A sweet memory.
A sweet memory is what they are sharing, which will be treasured in the bottom of their hearts.


Jimin's pov. (First pov of the story)

There was something wrong.

The castle, the whole castle had this aura around it, he could sense it, he could feel it, he could see it.

After the departure of Taehyung and Jungkook, the nation all of a sudden dosen't feel safe and homey.

There is no movement shown regarding Hoseok, he's still deep in his slumber.

Namjoon and Seokjin were dealing with the borders, as a minor dispute had broken out.

Jungkook's mother has not come out of her room and before leaving Taehyung has strictly asked them to keep a strict security on Mrs Jeon.

He is walking towards her room, a very eerie atmosphere hugging the whole of the castle, it almost looked like all the flowers were suddenly withering, even the newly bloomed one, the sun hasn't shown itself, it's a little cloudy adding up more to the already existing suspicions.

He knocked the door, twice in a vey rhythmic manner making himself known beforehand.

"May I enter, Mrs Jeon?"

The old lady immediately were on her feet, greeting him with an everlasting smile on her face.

"Please enter, Good lord"

He laughed light heartedly.
She was truly an amazing woman her motherly instincts truly sobered him up a little.

"Mrs Jeon-"
"Drop the formalities, Sire , You know my Name and whoever I am"

He smiled. "Likewise, Katherine"

"Ofcourse, Jimin." She paused a little.
"Your in here for some answers I assumed, please do ask your questions, a curious mind should never be parted from knowledge"

" Does Jungkook know about you? And everything?"

She smiled once again.

"About me, he dosen't, but about everything else I'm sure all the patriotic role he played was not forgotten by him"

His eyes widened.
"He does remember?"

"My son's quite a thespian"

"He sure is" he scoffed. " He scared me for a moment their, you know, I was so suprised by his sudden outburst atleast he could trust me, his best buddy"

"Well you're a parrot yourself Jimin"

"I'm taking that as a compliment because Parrots are exquisite with words, and so am I"

"About "everything" has Taehyung told him about it?"

She gave him a teasing smile.

"What do you think of Taehyung?"

"Taehyung? He's basically a god like Amity. He's a total drip of everything powerful, his kindness, his shyness basically everything, you could trust him without even knowing him"

"Do you think he's suitable for Jungkook?"

"Taehyung's a mirror and Jungkook is a diamond, he will help Taehyung shape himself in the better way, they are both beautiful and scary in their own way, it's intriguing actually now that I think about it, They never knew eachother but knew eachother just so well"

"You are a very good friend Jimin"

"Ofcourse I am he has helped with basically everything I have in my life, the least I could give him is my loyalty and my faith"

"Alright, Katherine, enough about me, Initially you yourself know why was I here and you're actually quite a good distraction?"

"Did I fail my task?"

"You almost won."

"After Aphrodite decided to lock me up in heavens in charge of the world, She looked Jungkook with me too, but what she did was made him sleep an temporary eternal slumber you can say, and the blood she took from him for the bond, she made clones of him to fool Taehyung"

"After Years when Both the Kings were peaceful and has forgotten their hatred, I was atlast released from the bound, but we were not careful enough letting Levi get pass us"

"What happened to Levi then?"

"Remember, When the two came back from the dungeon, they met with Kai, the spy of hiwaga kingdom who was present their"

"Of course I remember him, what about him?"

"Levi was in a dormant state, resting inside of his body, he was not strong enough to build up a body of his own, that's why he used someone else's bodies"

"As Hoseok's?"

"Yes as Hoseok's but, He cannot enter your Body until a permission is given ro open the soul gate of your body, which we don't know how Hoseok did."

"It's complicated" he rubbed his head.

"It will he alright Jimin, I'm sure Hoseok had his own reasons too, we should not judge him"

"I shall take me leave then, Katherine, I took a lot of your precious time"

" Glad to help, dear"

He walked towards the door, about to close the door shut, when Katherine said.

"Jimin" she gasped. He looked at her and she shook her head again as a no, a smile on her face, a relived one now.

Jimin knew exactly what was going on.

"Have you felt that too?"

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