Chapter 22: Out of the Frames, Into the Fire

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The Portkey was set to leave just before the fifth years' curfew on Friday night. By Friday, Penny had prepared several vials of Fire Protection potion in advance, and Rowan was busy fussing over Artemis' safety.

"Rowan," Artemis stopped her, eventually reaching the end of her tether, "Stop worrying. I know it's dangerous. The Cursed Vaults always are."

"There weren't dragons in the other Vaults though," Rowan tutted.

"No, but the acromantula was hardly cuddly and cute. And I was fine with that, wasn't I?"

"You got bitten and ended up in the Hospital Wing for over two weeks!"

"I meant that eventually I was fine," Artemis rolled her eyes, and Rowan sighed. "And I only got bitten when it was just me and Charlie against the acromantula, so obviously we didn't have enough people then. This time there's loads of us, and Charlie knows all about dragons, and Bill is practically a professional Curse-Breaker now, and we will have Rakepick."

But that didn't seem to reassure Rowan in the slightest.

"I don't know," she said, her lips pursed and her eyebrows raised. "I'm just as worried about Rakepick as I am about the dragon, especially after everything that happened this year."

"Yes, but Dumbledore says she's trying to help me."

"Dumbledore says that, but remember what Snape said? Do you really still trust her?"

"I... I don't know," Artemis frowned. "It's too late to not trust her now, though, isn't it?"

"Maybe. I'd take your Garotting Gas, just in case," said Rowan. She had a point, Artemis thought, and it would have been pointless arguing even if she didn't. So, Artemis nodded, fetched the Garrotting Gas from her bedside table, pocketed it, and squeezed her best friend's hand.

It was time to leave. Laden with vials of potion and the bottle of Garrotting Gas, and bestowed with hugs from her friends - two from Penny, one of which she was to pass on to Beatrice - Artemis left the Hufflepuff dormitories to make her way to the training grounds. She didn't get very far, however, before she was stopped in the corridor by Barnaby, who was waiting for her by the barrels outside the common room.

"Are you going to meet Rakepick and the others to break the curse?" he asked her, and she nodded, frowning. He looked very worried. "Is it true what Charlie says? That there's going to be dragon in the Cursed Vault?"

"There might be, yeah," Artemis replied.  "Rakepick thinks so, anyway."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

Artemis hadn't been expecting him to say that. She blinked, slightly taken aback. She was about to say yes, but remembered that she hadn't actually asked Rakepick if she minded Ben and Charlie coming with them. She didn't even know how many people the Portkey would be able to carry, so she shook her head.

"No," she said. He looked disappointed. "Sorry. I can't keep inviting more and more people, but if you want to help, we could use someone to stand by the portrait where Beatrice is stuck. Once we free her, she'll need someone to take her straight to the Hospital Wing, and you're strong enough to carry her there if she's too weak to walk."

"I suppose," Barnaby nodded. "I am quite strong. I'd rather come with you though."


"So I can protect you, of course."

It was only the earnest expression on Barnaby's face that stopped Artemis from laughing. She shook her head.

"I don't need you to protect me, Barnaby," she told him. Before he could protest, she added, "but Beatrice might. If you could keep an eye out for her, that would be great."

Artemis Hexley and the Portrait of the Vault Where stories live. Discover now