Chapter 11: Rowan, Resentful

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The other fifth year Hufflepuff girls were somewhat surprised to see Artemis at Platform Nine and Three Quarters, hugging Bill and Charlie's mother goodbye and detaching Fergus from a softly sobbing Ginny Weasley. They were even more surprised to see that Merula Snyde was trailing behind her as she walked down the platform to board the Hogwarts Express.

Of course, due to the prefects' patrol, Artemis didn't get a chance to talk to her friends until they were back at the castle.

"I thought you were staying here for the holidays," Rowan said, as Artemis caught up with her three roommates and Chiara Lobosca, another girl from their house and year, as they walked to their seats in the Great Hall. "What were you doing at the platform with the Weasleys?"

"Who cares what she was doing with the Weasleys?" asked Tonks, incredulously. At some point over the break, she had changed her hair. It was now a deep shade of indigo, and fell just past her shoulders. "What were you doing with Merula, of all people?"

"Shush, Tonks, she'll hear you," Artemis muttered. Merula wasn't far behind them in the throng of students entering the hall, walking with a group of Slytherins that included her friend Ismelda and - Artemis noticed, with a fluttering sensation in her abdomen that didn't feel quite like hunger - Barnaby Lee. "I'll tell you once we've sat down."

Before they could do so, however, Artemis was accosted by Skye Parkin, who ran over to her with such a spring in her step that her blue hair flapped up and down.

"Did ye get a new broomstick?" she asked Artemis, before either of them had said hello or wished the other a happy new year. Artemis shook her head, grimacing slightly, but Skye remained excited. "Aw, it's nae bother. Ma pa, he got me a Comet 260 fir Christmas. Brand new, top of the range. If ye like, ye can have ma auld one."

"You're giving me your old broomstick, just like that? Don't you want any money for it?"

"Naw. It's no like ah'll be using the Comet 220 now I have a Comet 260."


"Dinnae fash yerself, hen. I'd much rather have the Cup than the broomstick. I'll bring it tae practice at the weekend."

"Wow, thanks, Skye!" said Artemis, but Skye had already ran back up the table to sit with her friend Lizzie and Orion, who bowed his head slowly at Artemis in way of greeting.

"Right, we're here now," Tonks said, the second Artemis took her seat with the other girls. "So, how did you and Merula end up with Bill and Charlie's family?"

Artemis recounted the events of the Christmas holidays to her friends: how Bill had invited her to the Weasleys', how she had accidentally caused a snowstorm to hit the school, about Charlie borrowing Mr Weasley's flying car, about the gnome on the tree and the presents and the fireworks and the Firewhiskey.

"Sounds like you had fun," said Rowan. Artemis turned to look at her. Although Rowan was smiling, and her voice was bright and cheerful, there was something sad and almost angry looking in her big brown eyes. Seeing Artemis' quizzical stare, Rowan dropped her gaze to her food, her eyes now hidden behind the silver frames of her glasses.

"Yes, lots of fun," Penny added, tapping her hand on the table impatiently. "Did any of you three manage to find out anything that might help Beatrice at all? Or were you just too busy enjoying yourselves for that?"

A tense silence fell over the table. Artemis shared a glance with Tonks before replying, "We found a clue in Knockturn Alley. Rakepick's following up on it."

Penny pursed her lips. She looked paler and more tired than ever. She wasn't the only one: Chiara Lobosca looked even more exhausted than she had at the end of term.

Artemis Hexley and the Portrait of the Vault Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant