Chapter 18: The Portrait and the Poltergeist

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Days after hearing Duncan Ashe's confession, Artemis was still reeling from his story.

Jacob, betray Duncan? His best friend? His lover? She didn't believe it. She couldn't believe it. Even if he had been threatened by R - by the Cabal - there was no way that he'd have done anything to hurt Duncan.

Then again, Duncan said that Jacob had told him all of this himself. Why would Jacob have done that if wasn't true? Unless, of course, Duncan had gotten the wrong end of the stick. Yes. It was a misunderstanding, that was all. A very big misunderstanding.

But, just to make sure that was all it was, Artemis decided to talk to the one other person who knew about it, according to Duncan, at least. Although she and Professor Rakepick were no longer on good terms, Dumbledore had said that she should trust the former Curse-Breaker, and if finding out what really happened meant talking to Rakepick, she would have to talk to Rakepick.

"Professor," she said, approaching her at the end of her last Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson of the spring term, "I need to talk to you about something."

Rakepick raised her eyebrows and blinked at her. Artemis took this as an indication that she was supposed to carry on talking.

"Well, actually, it's two things," she told her. "Firstly, Bill and I know where the Vault portrait is, and secondly-"

"Where is it?" Professor Rakepick interrupted her.

"Peeves has it. Anyway, what I-"

"How did you find this out?"

"Duncan Ashe told us. He also-"

"I was under the impression that you had already spoken with the ghost of Mr Ashe," Rakepick said, interrupting her once more. Artemis tried her hardest not to roll her eyes. "Why were you not able to get this information sooner?"

"That's the other thing I want to talk to you about," replied Artemis, louder than she had intended to. "Duncan sent us looking in the wrong place deliberately out of spite, because he said Jacob betrayed him and was the reason he died. He said to ask you about it if I didn't believe him, which I'm not sure I do, so here I am."

Rakepick breathed, and leant back against a desk, her eyes fixed on Artemis.

"Exactly what did Duncan tell you?" she asked, her voice quieter than usual.

"He said that Jacob was working for R. That R - the Cabal, he called them - were giving him instructions and then they said that... that they needed a life. For the Vaults. They made him choose who was going to die, and he chose Duncan."

"I see."

"Is it true?" Artemis asked Rakepick. "Is that true? That my brother was working for R, and that he was the reason Duncan died? Duncan said you knew all about it."

"I don't know all about it, but I know a little," Rakepick's mouth twitched ever so slightly. "You see, I met your brother when he was searching for the Vaults."

"You what?"

"You heard me."

"But... why didn't you tell me this before?"

"No one knew, other than myself, Jacob, and Dumbledore. It would it would appear that Mr Ashe was also aware, however that's beside the point. I offered Jacob some advice, shared some knowledge. I suggested that he make contact with R."

"You lead him to R?" Artemis frowned. "But I thought that they were the enemy."

"They are dangerous, yes, but they have a great deal of knowledge about the Vaults. Their history, their secrets, how to open them. They were a valuable asset, and besides," Rakepick gave her a wry smile, "one should always keep their enemies close."

Artemis Hexley and the Portrait of the Vault Where stories live. Discover now