Chapter 21: An Education

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As soon as the O.W.L.s were over and Dumbledore's ban on Artemis' curse-breaking activities had been lifted, Professor Rakepick wasted no time in calling her apprentices for a meeting.

"I have found out how to use the portrait to gain access to the Cursed Vault," she announced.

"That's fantastic," Bill nodded enthusiastically. "Now all we need is to work out exactly where the Vault is, and we can go and save Beatrice."

"That won't be necessary," said Rakepick, with a curt smile. "I have reason to believe that the Buried Vault is off school grounds, at least, this is what Miss Hexley's brother's notes suggest."

Artemis frowned.

"Hang on. How do you know what my brother's notes say?"

Rakepick raised an eyebrow at her, before turning to look at Merula, who was leaning against a table, smirking. Artemis glared at her.

"Miss Snyde was most helpful in extracting useful information that she found in a room on the seventh floor of the castle some time ago."

"Wait," Artemis' nostrils were flaring with anger. "You took stuff from my brother's room?"

"Yes, Hexley, I did."


"Second year," Merula rolled her eyes at the furious expression on Artemis' face. "I did tell you, but you were too busy running around with that backstabbing toad-lover to-"

"Don't talk about Tulip like that!" Artemis snapped. "How dare you take my brother's things! They should belong to me! He would want me to have them, not you."

"Really, Hexley? Because if your brother wanted you to have his things, why didn't he just give them to you?" Merula's voice was scathing, her eyes narrowed at Artemis. "He never really wanted you to know all his secrets, did he? He probably doesn't even want you to find him, would rather be without you."

Artemis grabbed her wand from her pocket and pointed it at Merula. She was ready to hex her, but before she could, it flew from her grip. She turned around to see Professor Rakepick looking at her with subdued fury.

"This behaviour stops now. Miss Hexley, you cannot lay claim to everything that belonged to your brother. Miss Snyde, you need to learn to hold your tongue," Rakepick said, lowering her wand. The two girls exchanged sullen looks. "Pick up your wand. We have work to do. The portrait can be used as a Portkey, giving us direct access to the Vault without needing to find out its exact location."

"So we can go tonight?" Artemis asked, her eyes lit up with excitement. Professor Rakepick pursed her lips and shook her head. "Why not? We've got everything we need."

"From my understanding, Miss Hexley, your success in opening the last three Vaults was mainly due to sheer luck," replied Rakepick, earning herself a fierce glare from Artemis. "That won't be enough for the Buried Vault. You need to prepare yourself what you're likely to be facing inside."

"What are we likely to be facing inside?" Bill asked, his face earnest.

Artemis looked at him. He had removed his school tie and had drawn his long red hair up into a ponytail. It was as if he were trying to look like a professional Curse-Breaker already. She almost giggled, but stopped as a sense of dread crept over her without warning, and for some reason, she couldn't help but feel that it had nothing to do with the Cursed Vaults at all.

Professor Rakepick held Bill's gaze for a few moments, before answering:

"A dragon."

The three curse-breakers were silent for a moment, before Bill cleared his throat.

Artemis Hexley and the Portrait of the Vault Where stories live. Discover now