Chapter 14: Head and Heart

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The headmaster's office was situated at the top of a stone spiral staircase, hidden behind a golden gargoyle shaped like a griffin. It was to this gargoyle that Madam Rosmerta spoke directly, having marched Artemis all the way from the Three Broomsticks to the castle.


The griffin did not move. Rosmerta called Dumbledore's name once more, louder this time.


"You need a password, Ros," Artemis told her. "Maybe we should-"

"Now, you listen here, and you listen very carefully," said Madam Rosmerta, raising her wand and dropping her voice to something resembling a cross between a growl and a hiss. Artemis instinctively took a step backwards, realising as soon as she did so that Rosmerta was addressing the griffin, not her. "I am going to speak to the headmaster, and no statue is going to stop me from doing that. So, you'd better step aside and let me up there, unless you'd like to be turned into gold dust."

There was a brief pause, and then - miraculously - the griffin did as the landlady instructed. Rosmerta withdrew her wand and thanked the griffin. Artemis followed Rosmerta up the stairs, trying not to gawp at her.

At the top of the stairs, Professor Dumbledore was waiting for them.

"My dear Madam Rosmerta," he said, calmly. "I thought I could hear your dulcet tones. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"

"You owe this to Patricia Rakepick," Rosmerta replied walking straight past Dumbledore into his office. Dumbledore bowed his head gently to Artemis, and extended his hand to gesture that she was to walk into the room ahead of him, which she did. The three of them all inside the office, Rosmerta continued. "Do you know what that woman did today?"

"I'm afraid that I do not, Rosmerta, but I am certain that you are about to inform me."

"The woman you have employed as a teacher at your school performed an Unforgivable Curse," Rosmerta said, clearly struggling to keep the anger out of her voice. "She performed the cruciatus curse on another person in front of Artemis. I've never seen a child so distressed."

Dumbledore was quiet. His blue eyes drifted away from Rosmerta and settled on Artemis, a peculiar expression in them. He nodded slowly.

"I see," he said, softly.

"Good for you, Dumbledore. I'm glad that you see. Maybe you'd like to enlighten the rest of us?"

Rosmerta hadn't bothered to keep her anger under control this time. But, despite her snapping at him, Dumbledore appeared unfazed.

"Tell me, Artemis," he said, his voice calm and quiet, "what happened when Professor Rakepick cast the curse?"

Artemis swallowed. She didn't want to tell the story again. She wanted to forget that it had ever happened.

"It... it hurt," she said, in a small voice. Rosmerta wheeled around to face her, the anger dissipating in a flash.

"She didn't... she didn't use the curse on you?" she asked, her voice a horrified whisper.

"No. Just the man, Borgin. But it hurt him, and then it hurt me, too."

"Yes," said Dumbledore, nodding sagely. "That does make sense."

"How in the name of Merlin's left nipple does any part of this make sense?"

"What an excellent turn of phrase, Madam Rosmerta," Dumbledore said, then sighed. "It makes sense because it has been my suspicion for some time now that young Miss Hexley here has certain abilities that she is unaware of. Abilities that she shares with her brother, namely that of Legilimency."

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