Chapter 14 (Deku) part 3

Start from the beginning

But before he has a chance to open the door, a portal opens up. Deku sighs, "Sorry, guess you'll have to wait a little bit longer. Don't worry, no one will be finding you for a while so get some sleep," Deku says to the door, unsure if he could actually be heard, then steps through Kurogiri's portal.

On the other side, Bakugou was barking around in his chair, thrashing about in his restraints. Shigaraki and Dabi are standing around him, Toga sits on the bar counter swinging her legs and spinning her knife by the blade into the wood, and Kurogiri is in his spot, manning the bar of a near empty business.

"Shut up noisy brat!" Shigaraki rasps at Bakugou. "We just want to talk."

"That's not going to work," Deky says with a smirk. "He doesn't know how. Even if he did, it's not like anything good would come out of his mouth anyways. Look at me, what was his version of talking sent me over the deep end—according to him and every other hero that is."

Bakugou shuts up and stills, sending a piercing gaze at Deku.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"Why am I here?"

"That's for Shigaraki to tell you. Don't get me wrong, I didn't bring you here because I wanted to, I'm not that sentimental. If I had my way, I would have already killed you. But hey, orders are orders."

"I'm not going to listen to anything any of you have to say, so let me the hell out of here."

"Aww!" Toga pouts. "But we're having so much fun. But if you don't want to talk. . ." Toga raises her knife and presses her finger down on it's tip, drawing blood that drips down on the counter. "I don't mind having a little extra fun."

"Knock it off Toga, you're getting blood all over my bar. Rule one, keep my place clean or you're out," Kurogiri threatens.

Kurogiri doesn't show much personality except when it comes to his bar. Deku remembers when he first came here. He was so messed up, his quirk going haywire after practically every move he made. He nearly burned to place down one day. The only reason he was still here was because All For One ordered it.

Toga slumps and sticks her knife in her belt. "Fine," she grumbles.

"You're all crazy," Bakugou breaths.

Deku narrows his eyes. "Crazy? Is that so?" Then he widens his eyes, showing Bakugou a truly crazed look with flaring red eyes. "You haven't seen crazy yet Kachann. But do you want me to show you?"

Bakugou swallows hard. "Why am I here?"

"We want you to join us." Shigaraki finally says. "Help us take down the hero society forced upon this world like a metal cage. Help us liberate this world."

"I'd never help you. Not even if you threatened to kill me."

Deku sighs, slumping against a wall. "Told you. Might as well let him go right now."

"Not yet," Shigaraki orders. "Look, if you help us, we'll help you. Make sure you have a nice comfy seat next to Deku, princes of the new age. You'll have all the power, you'll be number one, a hero amongst the people. Just like you always wanted."

"One, you have nothing I want. Two, I'll become the number one hero on my own, I don't need anyone's help. Three, like hell I'd want to sit next to that dumb nerd. You may look different and act like some tough rogue hero vigilante, but your still that stupid little nerd I kept trying to skate since kindergarten. New friends and some crap shot power doesn't change that."

"Anything else? No? Okay then are we done here, I'm bored."

"Last chance," Shigaraki says to Bakugou. "Think hard."

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