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Mafia Boy and The Mask Man were identical twins. One was a fighter, the other a pacifist and lover. Although they were brothers that looked the same in every way, that's were the similarity ended. Unlike most identical twins, they hated sharing with each other. Both had high IQs, both had black belts in multiple martial arts, both knew how to manipulate women to get what they wanted.

Their parents were as opposite as the twins. Their mother was a business woman with a doctorate in law. Their father was a Chinese mafia boss or Don. It was a strange pairing, but also made the twins more secretive about their identity. Both twins wore masks over their nose and mouth. After their parents divorce, which the twins knew was inevitable, their father remarried.

The Mask Man fell in love easily and often changed his current girlfriend. Mafia Boy was just as popular with women, but didn't jump into relationships as fast. Both had a huge female fan following too and because of that were popular with guys indirectly. Sometimes the twins pretended to be each other. But most often if one wore white, the other wore black. Their fan girls labeled them the Dark Prince and the Light Prince, which made both smile. The brothers only clashed when one interfered in the other's life. If a woman one of them liked, was hurt due to the other's actions, it was one of the few times the twins would fight each other physically.  But one thing that never changed was they were linked by blood and forever brothers.


Jiayi hoped that this school in Guandong would be the last transfer. It was a high school known for its delinquents and fights, but still had a good education system. Not everyone there was a thug, some were smart, diligent students. Her hope was that her seat-mate in each class would be a guy or girl who would either be very studious or the type to sleep all the time. Someone who would ignore her completely.

"Introduce yourself to your classmates," the teacher instructed.

"Hi, I'm Wu Jiayi, just turned eighteen." She bowed to the class and smiled inside, because they ignored her.

"Sit in the seat at the back on the far right."

She saw a blond guy sleeping at the desk closest to the window and was relieved. Sitting down beside him, she took out a notebook and pencil. Her hope of a peaceful final year, was running strong. And then the whispers of the other students travelled to her.

"Did you see her nails, they're pointy like a witch. I bet she's a bitch."

"That uniform is blue and white. That's a rich kid school right?"

The whispers continued, but Jiayi was use to gossips and had already tuned them out. The teacher came and gave her a list of textbooks she'd need to get too. His hand landed on her shoulder and she flinched, accidentally bumping into the guy beside her.

"Sorry," she apologized softly afterwards, hoping he was still sleeping. No response came and so she stopped holding her breath.

The rest of class went by easy enough. On break between classes, she found her locker. Next she went looking for the required text books. Some were put in the locker, but those used that day, went into a backpack, then she returned to the room. The blond masked guy wasn't there anymore, so she sat back down in relief. The peace didn't last long. Four guys surrounded her desk.

"Hey babe, you should join us for lunch."

"Thanks, but I'm not interested."

"Now that's not nice, we'll show you around school."

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now