Chapter 3 Fight or Flight

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You know human have this special effect whenever they are in danger adrenaline will be released and fight or flight will kick in.
Right now it was one of this Situations the girls choose to flee will they fight too ?

Mea's Pov

I just reached the end of the passage as I felt an arm wrap around my waist and yank me back. Shiiiiiit but I was somehow relived that Clara wasn't caught, I thought so.

At this moment I chrashed into a hard chest with my back and so was my best friend in the same position as me, fighting for her freedom.

The Person that holds me turned me around so I was facing his chest he wore a black shirt with few buttons open revealing his chest and a black blazer.

I shoved, hit his wide chest and broad shoulders but he didn't flinch, for a moment I smelled something so nice I think it was his cologne. Idiot what are you thinking right now damn him and his cologne your fighting for your life.

While I was in my thoughts he grabbed my legs and swung me over his muscular shoulder.

He must be really strong and working out like a bull, because he swung me up so effortlessly one thing is for sure I am not a feather.

I remembered the time I crashed my Brother on the ground while he was trying to convince everyone that he will push me up with one finger and believe me he works out at the Gym, the rest of my family members and I laughed for whole two weeks.

We cracked so many joke's and we are still doing it. Like the last time when we ate breakfast together. I said mom look I will lift this piece of Toast with one finger and then I pretend I couldn't lift it up or let it chrash on my finger. The face my brother gave us was the best I will always remember that hilarious expression.

So how could this man swing me up just with a swift move?

Clara's Pov

Oh shoooot it Mea was now on the shoulders of this bulky man you may ask how I can see everything so clearly because I am in the arms of the other guy, he picked me up bridal style.

Mea trashed around and hit the back of the man with hard punches but nothing worked on this man was he made of steel, so I tried my chance and hit the blonde guy who was holding me now.

I gave him some fists on his shoulder then at his chest but it was like I would play hit the pot and all he did was to chuckle at my misery.

After his chuckle came a comment "If you want to play Hit the Pot we can do this at my Place, so you can get your gift that's hiding under the Pot".

I was disgusted and furiously thinking what should I do now? Right at that moment a lightbulb popped up over my head.

Michelangelo's Pov

This Asino (donkey) beside me just gave me orders who was he thinking who he is !!

Later I will show him, but now I have to deal with this two bitches.

I let the stronzo (Asshole) slip of my grip and called Francesco to get him to the warehouse. After that I saw Aurelio how he was chasing the two, I rolled my eyes how can he be so slow.

So I climbed the fire ladder, run until the end and jumped in front of them.

The Girls were smart they'd tried to trick us but not with me, so I catched the short girl by her waist and slammed her back on my chest.

My nostrils absorbed a fantastic smell Oh mio Dio (Oh my God) which perfume did she use, maybe I should I ask her after I drag her to the warehouse.

Idiota what were you thinking just now, with that I turned her around she was so short that she just reached my collarbone with the peak of her head.

While I turned her around her fragrance hit me a second time without realising it I bend over and sniffed her hair.

When she stopped hitting me I realised that she was in deep thoughts so I came back to my sense and swung her over my shoulder.

Aurelio's Pov

God this orso (bear) he is always such a caveman that's why everybody thinks that our family is a premitive species of human being, even though we are mafia we have our etiquette and manners.

He just swung the Shorty like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder, poor Shorty.

Man I told my Dad five thousand times that I don't want to work with him I could even clean the Toilets of the mansion just not to work with this dickhead.

I am a gentleman so I carry the gorgeous in my arms, she hit me a few times and then she spoke out her thoughts loud and clear.

I couldn't resist and gave her a playful remark, she looked shocked with wide eyes at me.

I smirked at the beauty in my arms her curly hair that was all over me and her innocence that doesn't stop to entertain me.

Mea's Pov

I hit him on every part of his back but in vain, I am thinking really hard nothing happens, my mind is empty. Maybe it doesn't work because my body is upside down.

Suddenly I heard someone screaming in pain "Owwww she bit me" I was right away thinking about the meme owwww charlie bit me.

Yeah my girl gave him the right medicine, then it clicked the beast that was holding me laughed at his partner so he loosened his grip on me, yes that's my chance!!!

I shoved myself up until I reached his neck and bit hard on his neck. He released me and holded his neck.

I stumbled a little when my feet touched the ground but I run straight for Clara who was fighting with the other dude to get her arm released.

I kicked the blonde guys shin and we ran off in the direction of the bus stop.

Then I looked back and saw that the icy grey eyes were coming fast after us.

I immediately looked back to the front and saw the bus that closed the front doors and just the back door was open, the signal lights of the bus turned on and off to show that it will departure in no time.

Clara we need to jump in this bus this our only chance I shouted between our running.

So Clara shoved herself in the bus I was half in the bus but then...

So far what do you think about the Story? I know we are just at the beginning but I want to hear your opinion and sorry for the strong language. But it gives the story the spice I want, I hope no one was offended. 🤗

Oh yeah and I want to create some tension on the end of the Chapters so you don't get bored. 😉

Love At The Main Station Of Mafia's HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora