Chapter 7 Back to Freiburg

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Mix of Mea's and Clara's Pov

Clara: From World to Mea, Meaaaa !!!

Mea: Oh yeah yeah I am here ! What is going on ?

Clara: Bro you were now on a train of thoughts, are you alright ?

Mea: Sorry I was thinking about the events that happened lately. Do you know at the store I thought they found me! Clara what should we do they saw us do you think they will find us ?

Clara: Mea just chill they will never find us they are not the FBI or any other secret organisation, you said it yourself !

Mea: I know but my gut is telling me something else, didn't you notice how they were dressed their Suit's screamed fancy, filthy rich and arrogant.
Their shoes command you to lick them when they stand in front of you !!

Clara: Ahahahahahahaha bro I can't with you.
She clapped her hands and wiped her tears that just appeared from laughing hard.

Clara: This was hilarious you just got me laughing so hard in a Situation like this, yeah I know the two guys weren't normal people maybe some Businessmen or some rich guys we don't know let's just forget about them.

Mea: Yeah I think you are right I let the paranoia get the worst of me sometimes even my instincts can fail.
But even now I can feel how the icy grey eyes of this man bore into me.

Clara: Come on Mea it was just a one time in life situation, let's go home I need to help my mom with dinner, you know we just have a week with our family then we need to go back and bro I trust your instincts but relax I don't think anything will happen. Could you tell me when did you see the outfits of them, I could just figure out their eyes and face shape in the darkness.

Mea: Clara the beast swung me over his shoulder so I saw his Suit close up and I can't believe how he even didn't flinch in the whole process, you remember how my brother failed.

You know I am chubby and I admit that I own curves like a masterpiece.
Not that I complain about my body I like my pear shape, but how did he manage it even though I am so heavy.

Clara: Oh that explain's everything, stop insulting yourself your not that heavy how you imagine it, you look so sexy like you mentioned with your curves that are equal to a masterpiece. God fixed them on the right place's and this was a good example that your brother is a sucker who can't even handle some good chick with a nice booty.

The girls laughed at the words of Clara and got up to leave for their homes.

Mix of Aurelio's and Michelangelo's Pov

Aurelio: So what are we doing now Angy ?
Why did we follow them until here ?

Michelangelo: Shut up I need to find out something!

Aurelio: Oh your grace I am sorry for disturbing you, could you tell me what you need to find out?

Michelangelo scanned the area for any people that could interfere.

Michelangelo: I will go for them, get them and our problem is solved.

Aurelio: Michelangelo are you dumb or you play the dumb ass, when we get them right now then the families of both will be looking for them and then we have the German Police on our heels.
We don't need the Interpol on our heels this will affect our business life.

In Italy and other countries you can do whatever you want but here we need to do everything low key or they will associate our names with the mafia so everything we worked for will be destroyed.

Michelangelo: So when we should get them in your opinion Mr. Einstein ?

Aurelio: I don't know now but we will figure it out when it is the right time. Didn't you say they are Students so they will leave sooner or later.

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