"Chapter 1: A Royal Disaster"

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Hi my name is "Lady Mirabel" of the West kingdom of the land of the Encanto,this is the story were my life turned upside down meeting the love of my life,so sit back and enjoy my magical adventure to the unknown.

It was Mirabel's gift ceremony,they held it at the main kingdom of the East,Her family lived in the kingdom of the West.

The East kingdom where the magic began,four kingdoms was made,that it was called "The four mane's of Encanto".

The most powerful kingdom was the east,and the north were Lady Pepa is living with her family,the South were Sir Bruno was ruling,and the West were Lady Julieta lived with her husband.

Every gift ceremony,were the royal families gather at the main kingdom to celebrate and witness there family members get their gifts,their miracle's.

The last gift ceremony were Lord Camilo recieved his shapeshifting gift,and now,Lady Mirabel was about to get her gift today.

"Hey Mirabel,it's your gift ceremony today,you will get to see Camilo and Dolores there" Isabela added."Really,im so excited!?what do you think my gift will be?" A five year old Mirabel asked so excited.

"Well,were about to find out that later but for now go get change,we'll be waiting on your door" Julieta added."Okay Mama,ill get ready",Mirabel rush to the spare room of the Castle.

A while later pepa and her family arrived aswell as bruno,they we're riding on the carriage.

The guards shouts to alert there welcome.

"Lady Pepa and Duke Felix from the kingdom of the North,along side their children Lady Dolores and Lord Camilo had arrived".

Every guards raised their swords as welcoming them with respect.

"Sir Bruno,of the kingdom of the South had arrived".

they did like with pepa.

Julieta was already on the East with her Family.

Little Mirabel was bumped into her cousin,Lord Camilo,he at his age was a little troublemaker he always put pranks on the maids and guards on there castle,and the best part is no one would ever knew it was him.with his devilishly pranks them but,his pranks were all safe no one was harmed,its just he wanted them to make some mistakes.

"Hello Camilo" she said,"Hello Mirabel,its your big day today if you got your gift can we play after". Camilo said so excited as he can't wait to play with their gifts.

It was time for her Gift ceremony,As curtains slid the reveal a little girl standing and was given a spotlight path towards,her abuela,Young girl walking,smiling towards her,Abuela spoke her speech and was proudly smiled at little Mirabel.

She leaned closer for her to reach the candle,she touched it and looked at her cousin Camilo giving her courage,smiling at her.She then now touched her doorknob,happiness and her bright smile slowly fades away,like the door she was supposed to be her new room at the east.

The matriarch,was shocked to see a for the fist time in years a miracle gift ceremony fades,the candle flickers.

Mirabel looked at her Abuela,and her parents she was tearing and she looked at Camilo,who was shocked to see her door fade away.

Everyone in the ballroom fell into silence and whispers were you can hear.

"Poor little girl".

"How did she didn't get a gift,the last ceremony was successful?!".

"I kinda feel bad for her,she is not like the others with special gifts".

Alma panicked and tries to ease the aura around them.

"I'm sure there is nothing wrong with the magic,we are the madrigals".

Alma yelled but the crowd was convinced by her words that the magic had no problem.

The supposed happy and perfect party,was fall into a disaster,people starts to exit the castle as the adults discuss about what happened.

Alma talked to her children,alongside Isabela,Luisa and Dolores.Camilo wasn't included he was still young he was playing with his toys at his room.

Mirabel stayed at the nursery,were the gifted doors at the next building,away from her she stayed there and cried.A minute passed a knock she heard.To opened seeing Camilo she let him in,and he immediately hugged her comforting her.

"Hey don't be sad,i'm here and you don't need a gift beacause you are special like me" He smiled,making her laugh cause of his silliness."You're so funny Cami".

"Cami?!" he asked confused,"Yes,you nickname will be Cami 'Lord Cami' why don't you liked it" she said "I like Cami,so it will be my nickname and only you will call me that and i will call you Mira 'Lady Mira' now you have a nickname too".

They both giggled and played,until both got tired and sleep cuddling with eachother.

Meanwhile with the rest of the family.

"What happened why did she not get a gift?" Alma said "I don't know Mama,her gift ceremony was supposed to be successful like Camilo's ceremony" Bruno added.

"My poor daughter,she's so sad when she entered the nursery" Julieta teard and hugged her husband.

"I've decided that Luisa,Isabela,and Mirabel would stay in the east,I'm sorry mija but she can't be seen to anyone it will ruin the image of our name" Alma added "But Mirabel,is still a madrigal gift or no gift?!" Pepa said.

"I know thar very well,we won't imprisoned her she will just stay at the castle,and every occassion she will stay at the nursery,we must protect her" Alma said,"Julieta knows she can't argue with her mother when her mind was already decided on something.

The meeting was done,they were not allowed to interact with mirabel except Julieta and Agustin,tge rest were forbidden to play,nor talked to her.

After the meeting Pepa visist Camilo's room,she opened the door seeing her son not there."Guards,have you seen mt son" Pepa starts to panicked a cloud was formed on her head.

"Lady Pepa,Lord Camilo was assisted by his maids to visit Lady Mirabel at the nursery a couple of hours ago".

"Thank you for informing,could you please come with me to the nursery".

"Yes M'lady this way please".

the guards assists her,they reach the other side of the castle,she located the nursery.

"Wait for me here".

the guard nodded and waits at the corner,Pepa knocked at the door three times and no one answered,she decided to opene the door seeing her son and sobrina,cuddling with eachother sleeping peacefuly.

She walked towards them,"Enjoy your moments together,i'm so sorry mijo but tonight is the only night you will get to see her,im sorry my sobrina,if there is only another way".

Pepa kissed her son's forehead and leave Camilo sleeping with his cousin.

Pepa stumble across to meet Julieta.

"There asleep,I was looking for Camilo but i think,they played before they fell asleep".Pepa said,Julieta sights "Those two how do we tell them,about this?!" Pepa added "I don't know,its going to be hard since they get along prerty well".

"Let's just let them sleep,and make their moments since they're going to get separated".

"To be Continued".

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