"Omg Radha you are finally in a relationship!",Aarya says and hugs her .

"So how's dating Daksh till now?",we three ask she looks down on the floor blushing .


By 6:45 we reach the venue . And it looks like the Malhotra's are already here . They are possing for the pictures to the media .

From what I know it's Mr.Yash and Sakshi di's first appearance together after marriage same with Mr.Naksh and Ridhima di .

"We should head inside",Aisha says and we quickly head inside .

We meet Sarthak , Dhruv and Daksh from our department and talk to them .

Aisha , Aarya and I keep looking between Daksh and Radha .

"You know you both can stare at each other without having to worry about anything",Dhruv says to Radha and Daksh who looks at him with shocked expressions .

"It's obvious you both are dating",Sarthak says .

"See Radha I told you it was so obvious",Aarya says .

"Well it looks like we don't need to hide anymore ",Daksh says .

"Radha come with me",Daksh says and grabs her hands and dissappears in the crowd with her .

Sarthak , Dhruv , Aarya , Aisha and I laugh as soon as they leave and we 5 talk about random things until the party starts .


Everyone present at the venue stops talking and we all look at the entrance .
The Malhotra's enter the venue .

The aura they give off as soon as they enter .

My gaze first lands on Rohan who was probably looking for someone or something and his gaze stops when his eyes met mine .

I don't know for how long we stare at each other .

I take the moment to check him .

He is wearing a cream colour suit with black pant and black pants . His hair is nicely done and he looks devilishly handsome .

Trisha what are you thinking ?

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Trisha what are you thinking ?

I snap out of my thoughts and look away . I eye sidely to find him still staring at me and he is snapped out of his thoughts by Mr.Kabir and Mr.Yash .

I continue to talk with Aisha , Dhruv , Daksh , Sarthak and Aarya trying to ignore the fact that Rohan was still staring at me .

I could still feel his gaze on me .

Anika di , Arshi di , Sakshi di , Ridhima di walk towards us with two ladies and I only recognise one as she works at Malhotra Industries too at the Human Resource Department .
She is Naina Jaiswal and the other one's name I don't know yet .

UNTIL I MET YOU ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang