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"Haah... haah...."

After jumping between the branches of the trees, Noah landed on the ground while holding his shoulder. As he frowned, it was pretty obvious that he was in pain and injured.

Celeste stopped running. She landed on his left side. Her left hand was holding his back as she asked him worriedly, "Can you continue the journey?" 

"I'm fine," he answered. "We can't stop right here. If we stop right here, they might be able to catch up with us."

The two of them heard the sound of footsteps. When they glanced at their back, someone had jumped off the branch and leapt towards the sky, pulling the bow right on his arrow and released it towards them.


The siblings leapt forward, dodging the explosion that was caused by the arrow.

Right on the center of the cracked ground, the man landed safe and sound. Unlike Noah who was injured, he was unscathed while holding one bow on his left hand.

"Tired, aren't you guys? Well, you can't help it. After the cruel fight you guys had, you can't run away anymore."

There was the sound of excitement and happiness on his words, as well as anger.

"Freeing those slaves from us, the two of you are very nosy, don't you think? It doesn't matter now anyway. You have nowhere to run again. After killing all my friends, guess you don't have that ability to summon weird vines or wield sword, right? You are also wounded by my arrow. Without the antidote, you are pretty much screwed up."

Celeste hated to admit it, but it was true. Both of them had messed with the wrong group of people just because she can't stand seeing some people being enslaved, trampled under their foot. In her opinion, people shouldn't be treated like that, for she was taught that everyone was born the same. They were born with the same right. It was only because of greediness that status and authorities appear.

While holding her sword tightly, she clicked her tongue.

She wanted to step forward to defend her brother, but her brother was one step in front of her.

"You want to kill her? Step over my corpse first!" He declared.

His right hand was firmly extended despite of the wound on his right shoulder. Bravely, though he was more wounded than Celeste, he declared that he would protect her no matter what was the cost.

In Celeste's eyes, her brother had always been the person who he admired. He had always been hard- working and solemn. In the same time, he was a loving older brother. He may be a little bit mischievous, teaching her to hide their father's socks and persuaded her to join him to draw on the walls to prevent being punished alone by their mother, but she can't deny the fact that he was the person who she had always relied on.

She always watched him. She watched how he was training his swordsmanship before he decided to not wield sword after seeing their mother died murdered by the same swordsmanship he learnt. She followed his instructions to write words like "our mother is a tigress" on the wall and was punished to kneel for hours along with him. The four of them once sat in the same table to have dinner, where he would be refusing to eat vegetables and scolded by their mother. Their father laughed when he saw his eldest son found his cheek pinched hard by his wife.

And she was always there. She wasn't exactly a lively person like Charlotte. She wasn't even as lively as her brother when they were young. But just because she didn't smile often and appear to be cold doesn't mean she didn't have a heart.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя