34; Escape route

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"Two different stories, the same outcome"


⚠️ puking, weapons, starvation/hunger, censored swearing, bruises and wounds, smell of blood, violence ⚠️

Isaac wakes up because of hunger.

It carves on his insides and screams for him to eat something, anything at all. It twists and turns in his stomach, burning and feeling hollow at the same time. The discomfort of hunger is a familiar feeling. He has felt it at Anaxagoras palace, back when he refused to eat, and he has felt it in his own village many months ago. But Isaac had hoped that he would never feel this hunger again. A hunger that only comes once your body realizes that you won't get any food, no matter what you do. There is no way to get food because, you are trapped.

And with that he opens his eyes. It's nothing but darkness that he faces.

And the smell of old blood, coming from somewhere down the dark hallway. Long shadows cover the faint light, coming from the only torch anywhere near his cell. This is clearly something that they have done to him on purpose. The deepest, darkest part of the dungeon, where not even light can reach him. No food, no water and no light. Or actually, there is a lot of water. Dropping from the ceiling and hitting his face. That's when Isaac realizes how humid and wet the room is, despite the fact that it's cold enough for him to shiver and feel immensely uncomfortable.

He has slept on the cold and wet stone floor all night. Or he can only assume it's morning. Perhaps it's already day, or maybe only an hour has passed? Without any windows it's hard to tell. But either way it's cold and wet around him, which does nothing to help the pain that he feels in his arms and legs. The bruises there that he has slept on, causing them to get bigger and worse rather than better and more bearable. So in short, he feels like sh*t. But in long, he doesn't have time to think about how bad he feels, how much pain he is in and how terrible this place is. He only has time for one thing.

He needs to escape.

Because whatever is happening right now, whatever the queen is planning, he can't just go along with her plans. Who knows what that could mean for his future, or his sisters future. No, he needs to fight back, and fight back hard. And the first step is to escape.

But how? Isaac sits up in his dark dungeon cell, shivering and shaking. He clenches his teeth to not make any noise of pain, afraid to alert the other people in the dungeons. That's another problem. Even if he manages to escape, how can he sneak past them? Last time he was brought past them they started yelling and hitting their metal bars for some reason, so obviously they are going to do it again. Isaac frowns and tries to make a plan.

Firstly, he needs to find out a way to escape a dungeon cell that has probably never been escaped before.

Secondly, he needs to get past these prisoners before they can alert the guards of his escape.

Super easy, right? Isaac feels his heart beating loudly in his chest. He stands up on shaky legs and wobbles over to the metal slabs keeping him away from the outside world. Once his hands wrap around them, he notices how rusty they are. Of course, it's way too wet in here for them not to be rusty. Could he possibly break the cell? No, that would make a sound loud enough for the guards to hear. He needs to find a more quiet option. With the help of the metal bars Isaac slowly makes his way to the furthest edge of his cell, where the door and lock is.

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