5; Home to the temple

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"Nothing here is like home"


Ariadne doesn't know what to think.

She has never seen anyone so cute before.

The people of the Goddess aren't known to be cute. They are beautiful, strong, powerful and lovely people, people with loyalty to the Goddesses and wisdom all around. But cute doesn't really fit that description. Ariadne has never described a human girl as cute before, only animals and drawings and things. But she can't help it this time. Those cute black doe eyes and short frame really tie it all together.

And yeah, she can't help the devilish thoughts that enter her mind. So under her breath, she lets out the tiniest little whisper, a smirk spreading over her face.

"The girls are going to love you"

A woman with bright red hair, clearly from the temple of Artemis is holding onto the newcomers hand, dragging her inside. Next to them walks a calm and patient girl from the temple of Athena, clear in the way her face barely changes expressions. The big doors to the throne room are closed behind them, a loud bang resonating through the temple of Hera. The shorter girl below them looks around with wide and fearful eyes, and Ariadne can imagine how different everything must look to her.

The throne room is known to be one of the most spectacular places. Everything from the smooth marble floor that they are walking on is special. Statues of the Goddesses, which includes not only Artemis, Hera, Demeter, Athena and Aphrodite, but also Persephone, Nike and others, are present along the walls. White marble steps reach up to the five thrones, where the leaders and the queen are seated. Silent guards stand by the doorways and the thrones, and looking closer you can spot servants scurrying through the hallways behind the big marble poles that separate the throne room from the rest of the palace. It's big and wide, which means that their voices echo through the room louder than anywhere else.

For someone who isn't used to it, it can be a little freaky. But for Ariadne and the rest of the leaders, it's normal. The three women stop in the middle of the room, and the queen squints down at them.

"This is the outsider?"

Her finger is pointed at Irene, who widens her eyes and flinches. All of their words are scrambled and make no sense, she can't even begin to imagine what they are saying. She fiddles with her fingers, ignores the pain on the underside of her feet and on her arms, instead completely caught up by these scary people. Unlike the guards, they look regal and important. Irene can only guess that Nadya and Penelope have taken her to see their leaders, and she grows even more nervous. What will they do with her now?

Out of the five women here, one of them looks the most important. Her throne is in the middle, and she has the biggest crown. Her posture is calm and composed, she looks just like everything Irene could ever wish to be. Tall, strong, proud, calm and absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. In fact, everyone here looks ethereal. Most people Irene know are old and wrinkly, smelling of fish, the saltwater making their hair crusty and oily, their hands and feet rough and dirty, and their clothes broken and poor. Irene has never seen anything quite like this.

"Yes, your majesty. We recovered her by the edge of the upper forest earlier today"

The leaders frown, promptly going silent as they think. Their eyes pierce down at Irene, who shifts uncomfortably and has no idea what to do. Especially two people stand out from the rest. One with pitch black hair and dark, almost evil eyes, staring down at her with so much power Irene can't help but feel her hands shake. She looks angry, serious, like she could see through everything inside of Irene's head. And the other one is blond, and so beautiful that Irene hasn't even looked further quite yet. She stares down with a creepy smile and hazy eyes, which makes Irene squirm uncomfortably.

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