33; Prisoner

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"I can't believe I'm locked away"


⚠️ bruises, wounds, violence, kidnapping, blood, censored swearing ⚠️

Water drips from the ceiling.

Isaac struggles against the hands holding him secure, thrashing around as much as possible. But he feels weak. Helpless, surrounded by the enemy. His arms are held behind his back, and they are leading him down some sort of dark corridor. It's cold down here, both because it's nighttime, and because the outside air and warmth can't reach them on such a low level. Isaac guesses that they are underground, because it smells like mud and rocks, and there are no window openings anywhere.

Only a few stray torches light up the path that they walk. Isaac has struggled every step of the way, from the dangerous decent down the mountain to the quick trip around the city and into the palace. Seriously, every step of the way has been hard for the guards holding him down. He has trashed around, tried to yell and even bite and kick. He won't go down without a fight, he won't be imprisoned again. He wasn't even this aggressive with the men that brought him to Anaxagoras palace for the first time, or the ones that locked him away.

But as they lead him through the dark dungeon corridor, the prisoners around them banging on the metal bars and drowning out his protests, Isaac realizes that his fight is over. He has lost. Surely he made them hurt, but he has still lost. Whatever the queen wants to do with him is a mystery, but she hasn't showed up after descending the mountain together with them. No, it has only been him and the guards, plus a whole lot of yelling. Isaac feels weakened. He has struggled so much it's starting to hurt. His wrists burn after struggling against the right ropes around them, and his arms and legs are filled with bruises. God, he could really use a nap right now.

The guards suddenly stop, and Isaac realizes how deep into the dungeons they are. He gulps. The echoes of the other prisoners are like shadows around him. He can smell blood coming from somewhere, but the lighting this far along is practically non existent, so he can't see. It smells like mold too, and water dripping from the ceiling also adds to the different sounds. What has he done to deserve this? What has he done to deserve to stay at the darkest, deepest and most disgusting part of the queens dungeon? All he wanted to do was visit his sister, nothing more.

The guards push him in the cell without warning. Isaac yells brokenly, his heart beating in his throat. Because his arms are tied he can't stop himself from falling. Instead he feels the hit of the floor against his body as harshly as it could be, an aching pain spreading everywhere. Isaac hisses and feels dizzy, his head spinning around. His hip and left arm took a direct hit against the cold, stone floor, and he can feel the bruising already start to form. It's so painful that he barely registers the guards closing the cell door. It's only once they start walking away that he can hear their footsteps.

But by that time Isaac can already recognize that it's too late.

Just a nap won't hurt.

"We need to move quickly before she can gather any type of army! Of course we have to attack!"

Thea's voice booms over the other voices in the meeting room. Ariadne sits next to her at the end of the table, silently agreeing. The queen has acted recklessly for the past several years and it's time to act, they have already gotten on her bad side, so attacking now won't change anything. There is no backing out anymore. If they wait too long the queen will find a way to overpower them and rip them away from their positions.

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