18; Crash and cry

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"Just as everything was about to come crashing down, Isaac crashed in real life too"


⚠️ attempted SA (sexual assault) (but very light and doesn't happen), crying, fear of death, mention of blood, insomnia ⚠️

What happened that day, wasn't the best experience.

Isaac is heading through the wide, empty marble corridor. It's so empty and lacking of furniture, that he feels cold. Shivering, Isaac wraps his arms around himself, and tries to keep warm. His simple shoes tap lightly against the hard stone floor. A single candle is standing by the wall every few steps, giving a faint glow of light. It's just enough to make sure that Isaac can see where he is going.

Every now and then, a window appears as he walks. Outside, it's dark and gloomy. Rain falls down rapidly, and the wind blows through the open hole of a window. It makes him more cold than before, and Isaac avoids the windows from then on.

Nighttime has fallen. That's why it's so empty. A few stray guards could stand around here and there, but on the third floor, where he is, no guards are currently patrolling. At least he hasn't seen any yet. The corridors are endless and silent, to the point where he could sigh and it could be heard from miles away. Or maybe that's just an exaggeration, created by his confused mind at such a late hour. Either way, except him and the guards, everyone else is asleep. It's nighttime after all. Isaac wonders why he isn't asleep right now.

He just can't. Although his eyelids feel heavy, no matter how hard he tries sleep doesn't want to take over. He's been laying in his bed for hours already, twisting and turning but not getting any rest. It's exhausting to try to sleep but not manage to do so, which is why he left his room three hours in and began wandering through the corridors of the palace. After all, Emperor Anaxagoras gave him the freedom to walk anywhere and everywhere he wants in the palace, after Isaac had managed to shyly complain that he feels locked in, scared and bored all the time. Now he can explore, even though it's late at night and nobody is around.

Or maybe that's what he wants. Privacy, freedom to do whatever he wants without having to face anyone else. All the guards and officials and servants working here are so nosy. They stare at him with their scary eyes whenever he passes by even once.

They stare at him for so long and so intensely, by the end of it he feels so timid and small he could just disappear. Everyone here makes him feel small, and not just because he's the shortest one around. It's because they seem so confident, and so sure of everything while he's still scared they'll hurt him. Emperor Anaxagoras is the only one who has held a proper conversation with him, and Isaac can tell that the emperor is fascinated by him. Maybe to an extent that Isaac doesn't want, but who is he to complain? The only person he knows here is the literal ruler, the person who has power over everyone else. And somehow, he's the least scared of the guy who has the most say of what happens to him. It's confusing, and maybe that's what's been keeping him up tonight.

Isaac continues walking through the corridor. He isn't very sure where he's going, or how to get back. But at the moment, that doesn't concern him. Rather than feeling more tired than before, he feels more confused and more awake. There is no point in trying to sleep now. Maybe he'll just skip the whole sleep thing all together. It's not like one sleepless night has killed anybody, right? As Isaac continues walking, his mind continues running from question to question, theory to theory.

A GODDESSES PARADISE (girlxgirlxgirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora