7; Inside the bathhouse

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"In a world of chaos, I like the silence"


Water falls down the indoor fountain, making a soft splashing sound.

The air is warm and heavy, as the evaporated water lifts itself up from the pools below. Steam and fog surrounds them, makes it harder to see, and easier to separate from the rest of the world. Their worries are forgotten the moment they step through the marble opening, because inside the light is faint and the water is warm. Laughter and soft talking bounces across the walls, easily echoing from one point to another. The floor is smooth, slightly wet from the water, and everyone walks carefully so they won't slip and fall. Their movements graceful, their voices loving, teasing and kind.

In the first room of the bathhouse, existing on the southwest side of Aphrodites temple, is the main pool. Here they do their average washing, and the water is constantly sparklingly clean. The soft, beautiful smells of different shampoos, oils, ointments, soaps and other liquids they use to keep their skin smooth and hair shiny, linger in the air. Candles inside foggy glass boxes hang by the walls, the only source of light, which gives the usually quite open girls a sense of privacy as they bathe.

In the second room of the bathhouse are the more private pools and tubs. The important members of the temple, guests and other similar people bathe here. There is less noise here, and the room is hidden behind a soft linen curtain. The lighting is still the same, yellowish wax candles inside foggy boxes of glass, but there seems to be more of them. Exotic plants and flowers that thrive in the heat and wet atmosphere are all around. The girls who work here tend to them, lifting water from vases and softly washing their hair. Through the air they can hear conversations of different people, and occasionally, some calming music from a harp or voice.

Of course, the bathhouse is also a very sexual place. Most of the girls can't find a better place to be active than this, where they are all practically naked and covered by a protective field of darkness. But most are here to wash, because beauty and appearance is very important for them. They believe that health, good condition and a well cared body is the most beautiful. Which is why the third room of the bathhouse is connected to the storage. The dressing room.

Here lay their thousands of different dresses and outfits, occasionally they sit here and sew them as well. Boxes of gems and gold, silver and jewels are ready for decoration in these halls. Long velvet couches are spread out, in the colors of red and purple. Here the girls sit while getting dressed, or lay watching their friends or lovers get dressed. Of course the line between friend and lover is quite muggy in this place, but whatever they have decided to name their fellow temple companion. As they all have their own tasks at the temple, some of them work here, help getting others their dresses and fix them if they break.

And it is all of this that Irene sees when she walks through the marble opening, on the south west side of the temple of Aphrodite. She thought that she was lucky getting out of that "death trap" aka the outside pools of the temple. She sighed out in relief when they continued through the smaller, emptier hallways. Even if it did feel like a labyrinth, and she wondered why she is here, and how she's ever going to find anything in this place. After what felt like the fiftieth turn in ten minutes, they arrived by a big door-like shape along one of the hallway walls. More girls walked in and out, and she could hear chattering and splashing from inside.

Irene took back all of her sighs of relief when they walked inside.

There is a lot of naked women here.

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