13; Athena

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"Some words are easier to take than others"


"My name is"

"My m-name-e is-"



"Now let's do it together"

Irene nods shyly. She has been practicing for awhile now. The soft wind enters through the balcony. She can smell the weird yellow flowers right underneath them, in one of the gardens. It's the time of the year they are in full bloom, and they smell amazing. She can see the clouds floating by on the bright blue sky, and the leaves rustling and making a quiet noise in the background. A few birds sing, however, she can't see them, as they are so well camouflaged. Outside it's warm and nice, but today, Irene isn't spending her time outside.

"My name is Irene"

She is spending it inside, somewhere she has spent a lot of time these past two weeks. It's odd. Time moves by so fast. Just fourteen days ago she came here, a complete outsider, no idea how this place works. Each day has been filled with new things to explore, most of them inside the temple walls. Ariadne is of course busy, but when she is not, she has spent a lot of time with Irene. The two sleep together in the same bed, and Irene has gotten so used to it, she doesn't even think of it as weird or meaningful. Rather, she feels quite safe and content curling up next to the taller leader every night.

It has only rained twice during her time here. Most days are like this one, warm, a soft breeze, few clouds and vivid colors all around. She doesn't know how to tell the time, which was a problem at first. In the morning when Ariadne wakes up, Irene also wakes up, and that marks the morning. She eats breakfast, and then someone comes to get her, for language classes. They hold them on the third floor, in one of the rooms with the closed doors. Here there are many desks, a board, and books on shelves. Irene guesses that they have students here as well, learning to stay at the temple, and she is using one of their classrooms for her private classes. She has been doing these for about four hours each day, with a lunch break in between, for every day for the past two weeks.

Her teachers are very nice. There are three of them, and she knows for a fact that none of them are from the temple. They are from somewhere else, and what Irene doesn't know, is that they are from the temple of Athena. Three girls, one slightly shorter blond and two taller brunettes, all calm and serious like the rest of their temple mates. Irene is surprised at how good they are at teaching. She has learned so much from these past two weeks. Now they are only revising, like they do every day. Relearning each word and phrase that they have gone through so far.

The teachers show her a picture of something, and then tell her the word. She has learned the basics. Her numbers, her greetings, different verbs and foods. Today is the blond haired girls turn. Irene likes her the most, because she seems more positive and friendly than the two others. It's the end of their lesson now, and Irene has already gotten so good. She understands different words that the people around her speak, and she can introduce herself and hold up a simple conversation. These Athena girls are real geniuses, and maybe, she is too.

"Now describe yourself"

The teacher helps Irene understand her words by using her hands and clear words. Irene nods and gathers her thoughts.

"My name is Irene, I'm an outsider. I am nineteen years old. I liked to paint when I was younger"

These are all things that the teacher has managed to teach her. Easy, simple, yet some of them quite specific. But it gives the necessary information. She is nineteen years old, she is an outsider, and her name is Irene. Her former hobbies are probably not important, but all three teachers seem to disagree. She used to like painting, before her parents died, and she had to take care of the household. There was no time for hobbies anymore, and that's when her life turned gray. Ever since coming here, Irene has been having weird thoughts. Like, why would she ever want to go back?

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