2; Deep in the forest

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"I can't understand you"


"Catch me sis!"

Their laughters ring through the old harbor. The eight year old girl with short black curly hair and a cute yellow dress reaches out her arms. On the boat above them, the seven year old Isaac is ready to jump down, excited from his very first fishing trip. With all the trust that he has in his sister, Isaac jumps down into her arms. Irene can't help but think that she's the luckiest sister in the world, because even though they fight, nobody can stay mad at such a cute boy.

His eyes sparkle, and Irene knows it's only a matter of time before his mouth opens to ramble about what he just went through. To their left, a taller black haired man jumps down from the ship. He uses thick brown ropes to tie the boat to the docks, and laughs when Isaac begins to speak.

"We got the biggest fish in the universe! Papa said that nobody has ever gotten such a big fish! Look!"

Isaac points at a medium sized fish in a red and yellow color, and Irene smiles fondly. She pats her brother on the head and his smile widens. She goes along with her father's words and claps her hands.

"Wow Isaac, you must be a natural talent then!"

Isaac nods firmly with a smile. Irene can't help but let out a little chuckle and let her brother run into her mothers arms. There she is standing, holding onto a basket of vegetables, in her beautiful yellow dress with blue flowers. A dress which Irene has never dared to use. A dress that lays on the highest shelf in their little wooden cottage, collecting dust, because Irene can't bare to look at it. Her father walks up to her and ruffles her hair. Irene gives him a hug.

"Has everything been well?"

Irene smiles.

"We learned multiplication in school! I did better than the mayors son!"

Her father smiles proudly. He pats her on the head and gives a warm congratulations, going on to rambling about how he never really understood multiplication, and that she is just like his mother, who was the smartest in her village before she married his father. Irene looks up at her father with stars in her eyes.

The family of four walk down the village, holding onto the fish that they had gathered out at sea. Irene smiles the whole way home. Trees and yellow farmlands open up as they walk. Isaac keeps on rambling and Irene listens to him carefully, fondly remembering her first fishing trip as a younger girl. When they arrive at their wooden cottage, Irene's mother opens the door with a smile. Isaac and Irene are the first ones to run in, but the older one frowns. Suddenly the house looks empty. She looks behind herself, and her parents are gone.


Irene wakes up with a gasp.

Another nightmare.

She groans and blinks the tears away from her eyes, taking a deep breath of air. Something feels odd. There is a huge headache going on, and pain everywhere else. Especially her legs and arms are cramping, and she moves around to get the cramps away. She is laying on something soft, yet hard and uncomfortable on the same time. Grains of sand are stuck on her left cheek and Irene sits up in shock, brushing off the sand without even opening her eyes.

What is going on?

The short girl has a hard time opening her eyes, they seem almost glued shut by saltwater. A cough rumbles up in her throat, and she coughs and coughs to get the feeling away. Slowly but surely, Irene opens her eyes. Despite her vision being blurry, she can already smell the salt from the sea, the sand and the unfamiliar fresh air. She can hear the waves and birds singing in the background, the sounds of bugs going about their day. And of course, the blinding sun shines down upon her.

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