9; In my nightmares

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"What are you doing Evadne?"


⚠️ Starvation, mention of death, sexual actions, mentions of sexual actions ⚠️

Isaac isn't sure if he recognizes himself.

Throughout the years, he has always been Isaac, the boy with black curly hair and a short figure. In school, he had a hard time keeping up with the rest. They were bulky and strong, their families coming from generations of fishermen, big and powerful men. But Isaac has always been shorter than his father, and shorter than all the other boys in the village. They didn't exactly tease him for it, but he didn't make many friends either. Just like Irene, the two of them had to learn how to survive for themselves as short, little kids.

Although, in more recent years, Isaac has begun to think that maybe the lack of food from early on affected his growth. Being left without parents at such a young age, he and Irene had a hard time eating anything at any time. But he doesn't want to think about that, it brings back unpleasant memories.

So for many years, eighteen years in fact, Isaac has spent looking exactly the same. Short, dirty black hair with curls, a high nose but round face. Big black eyes with long lashes and clothes that are too small and too dirty. Teeth just a little crooked, but his smile still blinding. Overall average, yet by his sisters description, cute. That is why he finds it extremely surprising to gaze into a mirror hanging on the smooth white wall, his clean and dressed up reflection staring back.

His hair and body has been scrubbed clean. Sparkling clean, to the point it almost hurt. The people who washed him, kind looking young men who were slow and patient with him, put small jewels and flowers into his curly locks. Isaac traces them with his fingers with an awed expression. After the meeting between the leaders and the king, Isaac was immediately brought to be washed. The men who worked down at the bathhouse practically squealed at the sight of him, and Isaac could only hope that it was for a good reason. After washing him they dressed him up in the same white robes as everyone else is wearing, and decorated with gold jewelry and cute little flowers in different colors.

Isaac has never felt so pretty. Reluctantly the men at the washhouse let him go, and Isaac was lead back up into the palace by two guards. They left him on what Isaac believes is the third floor, inside one of the many rooms. His eyes widened drastically when he saw the room. A big bed with smooth blue covers lays in the middle of the big room, on marble floor. There is a white painted desk and mirror opposite of the bed, and a fancy bathroom right by the entrance. Instead of a window, the left wall is open halfway, leading into a balcony. From the balcony Isaac can touch one of the small waterfalls that go down the palace walls, from the roof. He can also see the sea, and the city below. Different exotic plants and flowers lay everywhere, and a painting of Zeus lays above his bed. Isaac feels like a king.

But after being in awe for a few minutes, his brain went back to normal. Isaac felt oddly exposed in the robe, as it is way more revealing than any other clothing he has ever worn. Checking the door, he noticed that it is locked, and almost cried in panic and confusion. There is a bowl of fruit on the desk, but Isaac doesn't dare to eat anything, fearing it might be poisoned. He has no idea who these people are, what they are saying, or what they want with him, there is no way he'll trust them right away. No way he'll trust them enough to eat their food. And finally, he desperately wants to escape, to head out to sea again and find his sister. Because this is a city for men only, and his sister will never come here, she probably will never come to this island.

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