1; Sailing through storms

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"No matter what, I will find you"


"Come back tomorrow! Don't be late for supper!"

Irene is distraught.

Three days ago, the weather was warm and the sky clear. Just another normal day.

She stood by the harbor of the little town where she lives, staring out at the open ocean. Birds were singing, seagulls were screaming, the smell of salt and fish entered her nostrils. Time goes by so fast. Irene remembers laughing at a joke one of the fishermen through at her, dusting off her dirty apron and brown dress. They can't afford much else. Only a white bandana that she uses to cover most of her curly black hair, a white apron that saves her only dress from being dirtied, and a pair of wooden shoes that she uses on the most fanciest of occasions.

They don't have much else.

In front of her was her brother, staring towards the horizon with his usual shy smile. Isaac is very similar to Irene, in everything from how they dress to how they act. He is also quite short, with curly black hair and big doe eyes. Irene often thinks that her brother is the most beautiful man she has ever seen, not rough and muscular, but rather calm and pretty. He is one year younger than her, only eighteen years old, and sometimes Irene wishes that she could give him more. A boy like him deserves to live like royalty, and yet he is dressed in worn down brown pants, a white linen shirt with stains of dust and another white bandana holding his bangs back from his face

Isaac doesn't really like working. But they need money, and he's been fishing with their little rowing boat for ten years now. Ever since their parents died, much like a lot of other people, to one of the horrible diseases that haunt their villages. They were a happy, slightly poor family before. Now their little wooden house in the village lays quiet and empty, as Irene spends her days selling fish at the market, and Isaac spends his days fishing as much as he can.

It's not easy being two young people all by themselves, but they are adults now, and have nothing to complain about. Nobody in this village cares about anyone else than themselves. Everyone is poor and trying their best to get any kind of food on the table, they couldn't afford any more hungry children. That's why Irene and Isaac worked by themselves. And as Irene stared up at her younger brother in that fishing boat, she felt tears in her eyes.

Isaac goes out three times per week, and stays for one or two days. She is used to seeing him go, and used to knowing the risks of being out at sea. But Irene never imagined it. Sure he has a phone, a very old phone that he can barely use, but still a phone. If anything goes wrong he could always contact Irene. But that time, as she said goodbye to his disappearing figure out at sea, something felt oddly wrong. Like the luck that the two had carried out at sea would run out. But Irene isn't a pessimist.

She waited.

And waited.

Until a day had passed.

And so she sold the last of their fish, and made supper.

And waited.

Waited some more.

The supper stood cold. Isaac had missed it.

And so she waited again. Tapping her feet to the old wooden floor, biting her nails and crying at night. Swearing that she would hit him over the head when he came home, for worrying her so much. Because he had to come home. Right?

A GODDESSES PARADISE (girlxgirlxgirl)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz