"Fuck. I have a feeling it'll all end here." Mi-jin mumbled. "Noona, Hye-ji. Stay behind me." Wu-jin told them, putting Ha-ri behind him., but Ha-ri just pulled him back.

"Stop messing around. Stay back." Ha-ri said, taking the front, but Wu-jin slowly walked in front of Ha-ri again. He wants to protect his family. And he will, whatever it takes.

The group stood there, waiting for the zombies. Soon enough, the zombies came one by one, running towards the group.

Su-hyeok was the first one to charge at a zombie. The others following. The boys tried their best to make sure that the zombies face them first before passing to go to the girls. Making the girls fight as less zombie as possible.

Along with the boys, Hye-ji stood as a frontliner. Snapping the necks of any zombies she touched. She also kept her eye on Nam-ra and On-jo, making sure that the two are safe.

She then saw Wu-jin being pinned down by a zombie, On-jo hitting the zombie in a futile attempt to divert the zombie's attention to her. But she also saw a zombie running towards On-jo, so she went to that zombie first, throwing it to the ground. When the zombie stood up again, she snapped the zombie's neck.

She tried her best to help everyone who is either being pinned down by zombies or struggling to fight a zombie. This is the right moment to use her zombie strength. This is the time to protect everyone.

"Take care of everyone for me, will you?" Hyun-jin's voice kept repeating in her head.

I have to take care of them. For Hyun-jin. She told herself. But there is something in her that's slowly awakening. Her bones are cracking again. But this is not the right time to think of it.

As Hye-ji was helping Cheong-san with a zombie, she heard Wu-jin's voice. "Noona!" Making her turn towards Wu-jin and Ha-ri. It was quickly followed by Wu-jin's scream of pain.

It was like Hye-ji felt herself get stronger, her grip on the zombie's head tightening as he watched the scene in front of her. She didn't even notice that she had decapitated the zombie with the force that she had used.

"Get off! Hey!" She heard Ha-ri. Dae-su and Mi-jin are trying their best to get the zombie off Wu-jin, but they can't. So she quickly snapped out of it and ran towards Wu-jin and Ha-ri, pulling the zombie away from Wu-jin and this time, she was aware that she had decapitated the zombie.

"Wu-jin-ah. Fuck." Dae-su called his friend. "Wu-jin-ah." Ha-ri called her brother. Hye-ji just stood there, not wanting to look at Wu-jin. She can't see him like this.

"I fucking knew this would happen." Wu-jin said. "It's okay." Ha-ri tried to reassure him.

"Noona. Did you really make it to national team?" Wu-jin asked. "Yes, I did." Ha-ri answered. "Bullshit. You came to school because you got eliminated. Otherwise, you'd be at the tournament. If you got eliminated, you should've gone home. Why did you come to school? Fuck." Wu-jin said.

"I'm sorry." Ha-ri said while crying. "Noona, stick with archery. Okay?" Wu-jin told Ha-ri to which Ha-ri nodded. "Don't give up, okay?" He said before his neck started to crack.

Hye-ji saw on her peripheral vision that Cheong-san was walking towards Wu-jin, his shovel raised. Before he can reach Wu-jin, Hye-ji stood in front of him.

"There is no way I'm going to let you do that. He stood for me when you wanted to kill me. And you'd have to go through me before you kill him." Hye-ji said with a stern voice.

"Hye-ji get out of my way." Cheong-san told the girl. Wu-jin also stood up, his nose bleeding. Su-hyeok also stood with Cheong-san with raised shovel.

"I'm not letting any of you kill him." She said with gritted teeth as she briefly looked around. She then pulled Wu-jin with her to a door. She opened it and luckily it was open. She then put Wu-jin inside.

She hugged him and whispered. "Don't be scared. You'll see me again." She mumbled, tears falling before letting go and closing the door. "Stay there, Wu-jinnie." She said as she blocked the door, making sure Wu-jin cannot go out.

Everyone is crying. Even Cheong-san and Su-hyeok. "Wu-jin. No Wu-jin-ah." Dae-su's voice is what she can hear the most.

"There." She said looking at the two before looking at Ha-ri and walking towards her. Before she can even speak, Ha-ri hugged her.

"I'm sorry, unnie." Hye-ji told her. Ha-ri let go of Hye-ji, looking at her eyes. "No. Thank you. At least he didn't die in the hands of his friends." She said.

Hye-ji's eyes then travelled to Ha-ri's neck. Her vision blurring as well, like it was purposely only clear on Ha-ri's neck.

I'm hungry. Just bite her.

And just like that, the voice is back.

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