"Yours has that worn look I love it" I said with a smile, his lips coming into softly press against mine before slowly pulling away.

"It looks better on you anyways" he said placing a kiss on my cheek as he gave me a wink before walking to the couch to grab my hat off of the cushion, his fingers quickly unsnapping the back as he adjusted it to fit his head. "I'll just have to get this one worn in I guess" he said playfully rolling his eyes as he sat in front of Liam on the couch, as Liam wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist as he rested his chin on the top of his head.

"You ready buddy?" he asked giving his leg a squeeze as Liam nodded his head. "And one more question, are you excited?" he asked, my eyes drifting up towards him. Liam has never flown before, when we moved to Utah we drove so in a way I was nervous. I knew that he didn't know what to expect but I suppose flying a chartered flight to France was the best way for him to experience all of this for the first time.

"I am! I never fly before" he said with a smile, a small chuckle leaving Austin's lips as he reached out his left hand and let it linger on my back, his fingers moving over it slightly as he pressed a kiss to my temple.

I had to admit that I was happy that Liam was getting this opportunity and I may have thought about that when I thought about traveling overseas five months pregnant with a three year old throwing myself head first into a lions den of touring life that I knew nothing about. But, if it wasn't for Austin I knew that he would never have this experience and honestly if it wasn't for Austin pulling strings with some higher up to get Liam's passport expedited he may not have. But, I regret not traveling the world as much as I wanted to before I met Shawn and had Liam and I didn't want to keep Liam sheltered within the borders of the United States and now that the opportunity was in front of me I was going to take him to as many places as I could.

"What time do we have to be at the airport?" I asked him, my lips pressing against his bicep as he turned and placed his lips against the top of my head, holding them there just briefly before pulling away just enough so I could hear the words that were floating from between them.

"Our flight leaves in an hour and Ben should be here right about, now" he said with a smile as I saw the white Suburban pull into the driveway, a smiling Ben getting out of the drivers seat as he gave the three of us a friendly wave. I knew that he wasn't going to be traveling with us, Austin said he seldom traveled out of the country and I was only slightly nervous knowing that I had to get used to a whole new security team that was going to be following me around, especially since in the almost year I was with Austin I had just gotten used to the one that follows our every move here.

We all piled into the car while Ben threw our luggage into the back, Austin pressing a soft kiss to my temple as he held me close to him, his hand coming down to rest on my stomach as he slowly started rubbing it with this thumb. I let out a sigh resting my head against his shoulder, my eyes falling closed as Ben started pulling us out of the driveway.

"You nervous?" Austin asked me quietly, the hairs of his soft beard resting against my forehead tickling me just slightly as I smiled before pulling my head away so I could look easier into his eyes. I could tell that he knew my answer the instant that our eyes connected together, that ability he had of being able to read me like a book never going away as I let out a sigh.

"I am. I don't know what to expect and I don't want to ruin anything that happens backstage for you just because you have to be worried about me and Liam" I said, my hand coming down to rest on his that was resting on my now very obviously pregnant stomach as he rested his free hand under my chin lifting it so I was looking him in those dangerously perfect blue eyes.

"Candace you are not going to ruin anything for me sweetheart and if I didn't want you there with me I wouldn't have asked the both of you to come. I love you Candace, I love the both of you and I want you with me every step of the way for the rest of my life. So, no need to be nervous" he said with a smile, my anxiety dropping significantly as I pushed my fingers in between the spaces of his.

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