03, Sekret's Out

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After another hour of fingerprints being taken, it was finally Ronela's turn. She walked up to the police officer and suddenly became very nervous. She knew information that could be very critical, but she was told not to tell anyone or else she would die.

"Name?" The cop asked Ronela.

"Ronela Hajati." Ronela responded.

"Have you had any contact with the victim?" The cop asked Ronela. She shook her head.

"Well, we still need your fingerprints. Place your hand here." The officer instructed Ronela. She lifted her hand slowly to touch the handprint-shaped scanner. For thirty seconds, she had to stand there as the hand took her fingerprints.

"Alright, you may go now." The cop pointed to the exit door that Ronela was to leave out of. When she saw Chanel, she ran for her.

"Oh Ronela, I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried sick!" Chanel cried as she hugged Ronela tighter than ever. Ronela still had a very sick feeling in her stomach. What would those guys want from Mahmood?

"Emma and Monika are in the car. Come on! Let's go before another bad thing happens." Chanel said, still holding on to her best friend. Both girls got in the car and fled the scene. This time, Ronela didn't even care that Chanel was driving.


Once back at the hotel, Ronela flopped on her bed. She decided to check her Instagram and see what was up. There were several stories by Duncan's fans, mourning the loss. Ronela didn't blame them. Duncan Laurence was an idol to many. It was hard to think he was gone now. It felt way too soon for Ronela.

She continued scrolling through posts. She found a bunch that are sending love to Jordan and the rest of Duncan's family. Tears began to form in her eyes as she read over the countless posts. As she continued scrolling, she found the mother of all posts. A post that... blamed Mahmood for his death?

Posts kept on coming in, blaming Mahmood for the murder. Ronela couldn't even keep track of how many there were.

Ronela began to shiver in fear. How could Mahmood be the one behind Duncan's death if he was unconscious the entire time?

It was at that moment Ronela realized what those guys wanted from Mahmood. They wanted to frame him for murder! Ronela was speechless more than anything. She knew she had to tell someone. If it meant her demise, so be it. She couldn't let an innocent man get convicted! She had to do something, and it had to be now.


"So... Why did you call this meeting?" Stefan, the Estonian entry for Eurovision this year, asked Ronela. They were all in the rec room on the third floor of the hotel they were staying at.

"Look, I know this is random, and I know that no one here was expecting this, but Mahmood is in serious danger!" Ronela said in distress.

"Wait, what kind of danger?" Sheldon Riley, the Australian entry for the contest asked, puzzled.

"He's been framed for Duncan's murder. We have to save him before he gets convicted for a crime he didn't commit!" Ronela revealed, hoping no one would ask her how she knows.

"That's what I said to the cop.... But they took him anyway..." Blanco wept.

"Wait. How do you know this? How do you know he's innocent?" Ochman asked. Ronela looked at her feet.

"I-I just know..." She mumbled. No one was convinced.

"You're hiding something we need to know, aren't you?" Andrea Koevska, the North Macedonian entry for Eurovision this year, said in a condescending tone.

"Look, guys. I'm not hiding anything! I promise! Please believe me." Ronela lied. She tried to keep a poker face, but some could see right through it.

"You have to tell us! Something horrible could happen and if you have important information, you need to speak up now." Blanco quivered as he put his hand on Ronela's shoulder. That's when Ronela burst into tears.

"Mahmood didn't do it! I know this because I saw these men! They came up to Mahmood and put him out! They were masked and I couldn't see who they were! All I know is that they're both men with deep voices.!" Ronela cried at once. The others couldn't understand what she had said at all.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down, Ronela. Let's break it down. Take a deep breath in, and out." Stefan tried to calm Ronela down. After she took a few deep breaths, Ronela was ready to talk.

"So, what happened?" Blanco asked nervously. "Something about two men?"

"Well... There were these guys... They stood in front of Mahmood as he was..... As he was unconscious." Blanco took a step back.

"Alessandro......." Blanco quivered to himself.

"Okay, but why wouldn't you tell us when we asked?" Andrea retorted.

"I'm getting to that." Ronela said after a long sigh, for she knew her life was now on the line.

"The men saw me... One ran off, but the other threatened to kill me if I told anyone, but Mahmood's safety is more important now."

Everyone looked down at the ground, then back up at Ronela, whose eyes were genuine and felt as if they had seen too much... And they probably have seen too much.

"We.... We have to do something! We can't just sit around and wait for Mahmood to be proven innocent or guilty. We have to find the hard evidence! I'm talking about camera footage, I'm talking about physical evidence! We need this now!" Blanco said in a raised voice. He was determined to save Mahmood.

"Well, how in the blue hell are we supposed to do that? It's not like we have any power! We're Eurovision contestants! If our lives are at risk, that could do a lot to the contest." Andrea raised her voice.

"We have to be calm, Andrea. We have to focus on saving Mahmood, and not on the probability of dying." Ochman sighed as he lifted his hand.

"Who's in?" He asked. Blanco didn't hesitate to place his hand in, neither did Ronela. Stefan was a little more reluctant about it, Chanel, Emma, and Monika placed their hands in, Andrea was a little more reluctant.

"We're missing a hand." Blanco said. "Who are we missing?"

That's when alarms started buzzing, and lights on the ceiling started flashing red. Everyone began to panic. That's when they all realized that Sheldon Riley wasn't with them...

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