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SHE LEFT ME. AS IF I'M NOTHING FOR HER. angry thoughts run through my head. after all I've done for her. I put a line of coke on the table and sniff it off.

"I think that's not a good idea" Sarah enters the living room. "Why are you here?" I ask irritated. "I'm coming to see how you are" she says softly. " can't you see that" I throw my arms in the air and get up mad.

" I'm doing great. I'm sitting here all by myself in a huge house. my so-called girlfriend has left me probably to fuck her best friend and i'm sitting here" my hands are shaking with anger.

I start to laugh. "The worst thing is that I was ready to be engaged" irritated I knock over in a vase. Sarah is startled and takes a step back. " can you believe that sarah, i wanted to marry a pogue"

" june herself doesn't know what she wants" sarah say softly. "Oh June knows very well what she wants and I think you know it too" I turn over another vase. I knock the glass off the kitchen island. Sarah is startled again and steps back even more.

I start smashing and throwing everything around me. everything we built together she left behind. she left me. I storm upstairs. the pictures of us hanging on the wall don't bother me anymore. in our room I throw everything on the floor.

glass and junk are everywhere in the room now. my anger is not over yet. I hear the door softly open behind me. I turn around suddenly. there she is. the cause of this gang. the love of my life that left me alone.

she says softly and steps into the room. she looks around at the mess. I run my hands through my hair. "Go away June I don't want you here" I call to her. the great thing about june was no matter how loud i screamed she would never be afraid of me.

"Rafe we ​​can talk about it" she says calmly. "I don't want to talk about it You left me, so leave Then don't keep coming back," the anger is at its peak. I don't want anything to do with her anymore.

I grab a picture frame with a picture of us from the desk.

"This is truly a beautiful photo light" Sarah says with a laugh. sarah, june, topper and I are lying on the beach ,
sarah all takes pictures of herself. me and june look at each other and start laughing.

sarah rolls her eyes and continues taking pictures of herself. I take my phone out of June's bag and imitate Sarah. Topper shakes his head with a smile. "you take really ugly selfies" june takes my phone out of my hand and starts taking pictures of herself.

I move closer to her. I change my cap or and give June a kiss on her cheek. "you guys are gross" Sarah says with a laugh. "You're just jealous that I take better pictures" June says with a laugh.

"I know Rafe, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you anymore" the reality shakes me awake again. I throw the photo frame with the photo hard on the floor. shards fly all over the room.

"I don't care about you anymore. You and I are done" my hands are still shaking with anger. I pull the ring I got from June because we've been together for a year off my finger and throw it to her. the ring clatters hard on the wooden floor.

June looks shocked at me. "I want you to go" I hissed to her. she kneels and picks up the ring. she slowly gets up. the calm in her face soothes me a bit, but the pain doesn't go away. the pain only gets worse.

she nods softly and walks to the closet. I watch her pull clothes out of the closet with tears in her eyes. she stands in front of me, but I look away.

"I hope you're happy" she says softly and walks away.

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