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I'M SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEA WITH MY SURF BOARD BELOW. I wipe my wet hair from my face. the sea breeze blows past me. I look at the horizon. thinking about anything and everything.

" hey are you okay" JJ arrives surfed. I nod with a smile. It's been a week and we haven't heard from Rafe. I am satisfied with something. the anger is gone.

JJ smile back at me. "What are you thinking?" he asks. " nowhere I enjoy the moment" kie also comes to surf. "Hey losers" she says with a laugh. I splash water in her face.

"Competition to see who gets to the side first" I say laughing and grab the first best wave. "That's cheating" I hear JJ yell. Of course I'm the first to the side and kie quickly follows me.

"I think I'm second because June cheated" JJ whines. I grab my towel and wrap it around myself. "I wasn't cheating I'm playing tactical" I stick my tongue out at JJ.

In the distance I see Topper, Kelce and Rafe approaching. "I'll be right back" I walk towards the boys. "Hey June" Topper says enthusiastically. "hey" I smile back.

" how are you?" I ask Rafe. "I'm fine" he says with a smile. "good" I smile back. "I just came to say hi" I wave and want to walk back.

"june?" I turn to Kelce who calls me. "Friday party with me and since you are no longer together I can invite you both so that something is done in my bed" I smile softly. "I think I'm coming" I turn around again and walk back to my own friends. "are you okay?" kie asks immediately. "Yeah nothing wrong" I shrug.

"It's all right now between us, there's no more bad blood" I put my towel down and sit on it. " there's a party at kelce's friday" "you know, but john b asked if we wanted to stay home for him, it's your dad's birthday of course" JJ lights a joint.

shit i seriously forgot about that. I forgot every year. I'm just not that good with dates. "oh shit" I facepalm myself. "Someone forgot the date again" says kie with a laugh. I take the joint from JJ.

"Yeah I didn't say yes to Kelce yet" I take a big hit. "I'll ask what John's plan is" "probably drink beer and smoke weed" kie shrugs.

"talking about the devil" john b approaches with sarah. john b pushes me aside and sits on my towel. Sarah walks on to her brother and his friends. "What's the schedule for Friday?" I ask John B and sit on her towel with kie.

"probably drinking beer and smoking a joint" he says with a laugh. I give kie a high five. "you are so predictable" kie shakes her head laughing. "I think it's a good plan bro" JJ ​​continues to smoke quietly.

John B looks over his shoulder at Sarah. "Are you all right?" I ask him. "yes it's fine" "and you and Rafe?" I look at Rafe who is sitting a little further. "We're kind of friends I guess" I shrug. John B nods understandably.

"Actually quite strange that you have gone from living together to kind of friends" kie looks at me. "Maybe it's better this way" I play with the sand. "Do you like that or him?"

"I don't think we're capable of being in a relationship right now" I shrug again. "Do you still have feelings for him?" JJ asks now. "Of course it's not that the feeling just stops at once"

"I really don't know since when you became so wise" JJ gives me a playful push "Maybe you should do that too" I laugh.

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