Chapter 23

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Say you want me, Say you want me back in your life

The Sunday before school went in session was a stressful one for Todoroki. Not only was he unable to catch up to L/N when she rushed off, but she wasn't answering any of his phone calls or texts. The last thing he wanted to do was drive the fluffy teen away, but he supposed that the kiss they shared was a little jarring for the poor girl. After all, she was instrumental in aiding his relationship with Yaoyorozu, and he was certain that she felt the accidental kiss was a betrayal. It was because of this he'd kept on trying to get in touch with her only to have every call and text ignored for the entirety of the day Saturday.

In a panic he'd thought to call Aizawa-sensei to ask him to check on L/N, but that particular call didn't go as well as he'd imagined it:

"Aizawa-sensei? May I ask a favor of you?"

"What is it?" came the tired and annoyed voice of his homeroom teacher.

"Could you check on L/N-chan for me?"

"And what am I checking for?"

"I just want to make sure she's alright," he said quickly. "She and I had a bit of an accident on Friday and she hasn't picked up a phone call or answered a text since."

"What kind of accident are we talking about here?" Aizawa's voice came across as not only tired and annoyed, but now also quite angry.

"Well, you see, sir, we were studying and we had taken a break for a few moments to have a drink of water. It started out as a joke session where she started begging me to as Present Mic to give her a break on the essay, but then I turned my head to look at her, not knowing that she had turned her head to look at me, mind you, and we accidentally kissed." It was at this moment...he knew he fucked up.

"You did WHAT?!?"

"Um, sir? It was an accident. I assure you I had no idea that would happen -"

"No wonder she was hiding in her room all day yesterday!"

"Sir, that wasn't my intention-"

"I think it would be best to stop the weekend training." And that was the end of the call. Todoroki could do nothing but sit there, eyes wide and shock written all over his face. Not only did the call not go as planned, he now couldn't talk and wouldn't be able to spend time with a person whom he now considered a very good friend. What could he do now?


Why'd you tell Shou-Shou we kissed?

His heart dropped to his stomach and immediately bounded back up into his throat. How was he going to explain? Nothing to do but tell the truth.


I thought that was the reason you weren't talking to me.

I panicked when you wouldn't answer my calls or texts.


Wait. You called me?


Of course I did. I was worried when you left Friday

because you just ran off. I didn't even have a chance

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