Broken Hearts and Goodbyes - Finale

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Strange couldn't find a solution. It's today. Today this universe, this place where Steve and I got married, had our son. It'll be gone. Nothing but an indifference. Only Steve, I, and the greatest sorcerers across the multiverse knows of it.

I'm sobbing to myself as I find the time suits capsules and the Pym particles from the thoroughly locked safe.

From behind me, Steve gently places James in my arms, before he wraps his around us.
I lean back on his shoulder, sighing pained.
"I hate this, Steve" I whisper.
"I hate this too, Natasha. Heaven knows I do" he places a soft kiss in my hair, and I close my eyes, feeling his touch for one of the last times.

"I'm sorry, but it's time now" Strange startles us both from behind us in the doorway to our bedroom, and I don't even bother asking how he got in here.
"I guess so..." I mutter before I put James back in his crib.

My only comfort in leaving him behind is knowing that once Steve and I are out of here, he won't know it. He won't exist. And it'll be like he never did.

But at the same time that it comforts me, it makes me so angry. I had a baby, and I left him to this.
He'll just stop existing because his parents were so selfish that they just had to have him, knowing that he wouldn't even get a chance at a life worth living.

Steve and I don't pack our things, we don't clean up our mess.
The only things we've brought with us are the things we absolutely need for this, and pictures of the two of us. And one with all three of us. The Romanoff-Rogers

We rush down the hallways in the dim light of dawn.
If we're lucky this thing will only take thirty minutes when we have Strange to open portals for us.

In the foyer of the tower, Strange opens a glowing, round portal, and the snow and the cold from the mountain blows through the opening, the mountain where I'll take my last breath, share my last I love you with Steve.

"After you" Strange almost pushes us through the portal that doesn't only lead to another planet. It leads to another universe. Our original universe.
With our hands locked tightly, Steve and I enter our final moments together.
When Strange is through as well, the portal glistens and shuts closed, making the warmth of our home in the tower disappear forever.

The purple-ish sky, the snow flying around us, the breeze ringing in our ears. I remember everything. I remember the fall to my death, I remember the last thoughts to Steve. It all comes back to me.

"My Love..." Steve's eyes search for mine, but I don't meet them. I can't, knowing that it'll be the last time I'll look into them.

"Ah, Stephen Strange. This is a special occasion, yes?" Johann Schmidt floats out from the shadows, only addressing Strange, and not even acknowledging mine and Steve's presence. And that's alright with me.
"Very special. You know what you need to do. You know this situation. I'm just here to make sure nothing that shouldn't happen, happens"

"Alright, let's get this done" Schmidt laughs evilly as he floats towards me and Steve.
"Give us time" Steve demands sternly, blocking Schmidt's view of us with his shield.
"Rude" Schmidt mutters from the other side, but nonetheless the sound of his hooded cape seems to move away from us.

The tears in my eyes blurs my vision, and I try to smile. Smile at Steve, because that's how I want him to remember me when I die in the next 10-15 minutes. He's the only one who's known a Natasha that was actually happy.

"My Love, you don't have to smile. Not if you're doing it for me. This is too unfair, it's too horrible. You don't deserve this, Love, so don't for one second think that you have to smile so I don't get an image of you sad into my head"
Reading my mind? Okay then.
"But isn't that how you want to remember me?" I sniffle.
"I'll remember everything about you. I'll remember the good times as much as I will remember the bad ones. I'll remember how you looked every morning with messy hair and my t-shirt on. I'll remember how you looked unrealistic in your wedding dress. Natasha, don't smile now so I remember you happy. Because you weren't. But then we got together and I noticed how you got a little happier. You let yourself heal, even if it was just a little. And while you healed yourself just the slightest, you saved me. You let me in, and I will be forever grateful for that, because damn I've gotten so much out of loving you" he chokes out, trying not to cry.
"I love you so much, Steve" I cry, flying into his arms.
"I love you so much, Natasha" he sobs into my hair, planting kiss after kiss. "So much" he whispers.

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