Getting Her Back

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Before we start! Welcome to the story. I'm glad you're here, and I hope you'll enjoy!


I had decided to volunteer to put the stones back.
I knew I needed to get Natasha back, and this is the only way if I didn't want the others to protest.

Now I'm here. I've landed on Vormir.
I've been putting this stone off, because I don't know if I can see her like that.

It's freezing cold, and it's an extremely odd planet. Nothing like home.
I start climbing the mountain without further hesitation, and the cold gets worse as I get further up the steep path.
I wonder how many's walked here? But it's only Natasha I care about right now. Although I do feel bad for Nebula's sister even though I don't know who she were.

"Welcome" a familiar voice says into - what I'm guessing is the morning air. I can't really tell time here.
"Steven. Son of Sarah" it greets, and the hooded man steps forward and looks up revealing his face.
"Schmidt?" I ask. I think I remember Clint mentioning something about it being him, but honestly everything after I found out hazy, drowned in pain.

"Captain Rogers. I was expecting you" he says with a sly smile, and a voice that seems weirdly hollow in a way it wasn't in the 40's.
"I have the stone" I say and hold out the container with the orange stone that I despise with every fiber in my body. It took my Nat.
Schmidt's bony finger reaches out for it, but I pull my hand back.
"I need someone in return" I say firmly, and stare intently at him, ready to strangle or punch or do anything to him if he denies me Natasha.
"Ah yes...the woman, the latest victim. You can't have her Captain" he says with a satisfied smile.

I know that I can't deny him the stone even if he denies me Natasha, because the stone needs to go back, but I can't leave without Natasha.
Then I'd rather jump off this cliff as well.

"Please Schmidt. I need her. You have no idea how much I love her" I say with a trembling voice.
He chuckles mockingly. "Is the little Captain crying? Over a woman? You really never were fit for that serum" he says and floats closer to the edge.

"And it worked for you? Have you seen your face?" I ask with a sniffle as I follow him. He's really ugly.
He ignores my comment and points down to the bottom.
"I don't think your woman can come back. Not without my help" he says, still with the sly grin plastered on his face.
I look over the edge, and my world falls apart even more than already.

She's lying lifeless on the bottom of the cliff.
Her body parts in weird angles.
I suffocate a pained yell, and I start crying hard.
"Natasha!" I shout, falling to my knees, and my voice echoes in the deep.

I turn away from the horrid sight and look up at Schmidt.
"Please! Please let me have her back! Please Schmidt! Please, I'm begging you" I cry.

His face is shining in glory from seeing me on my knees, but I don't care. I don't care. I need Nat more than anything.

"Get up from your knees boy, that's ridiculous" he finally says when apparently he gets uncomfortable from my crying.
I wipe my eyes and I get up, holding on tighter to the container in my hand.
"One condition" he says.
I nod eagerly. Anything. I'll do anything.
His face twists into an evil smile.
"You get down there before tomorrow this time, without jumping if you have a parachute. If you don't you can" he seems to enjoy the thought of me splatting out on the rock next to Nat. I'll do it without hesitation if there's no other way I can be with her.
"Then what if I get down there?" I ask, holding my breath and waiting for his answer.
"If you give me the stone, and get down there without jumping, in a day, then I'll let you have Natasha, the daughter of Ivan back. But I need to remind you that a day here is only twelve hours" he says, and I can finally actually recognize his voice like it was in the war. Full of evil.

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