A Reception To Remember

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Married? Me? I've gone through the fact that I literally said 'I do' to Steve, probably a million times by now.
And here I was, stupid enough to believe that nothing would surprise me anymore.

People shooting at me and stabbing me are no big deal, but apparently saying two words to a man with a stupid cute smile, stupid cute eyes, and a stupid cute old man vibe does. But he's my stupid cute man.

I jump a little when fingers tracing over my lower back startles me and my thoughts. Apparently the stupid cute man's gentle fingers surprises me too.

"You looked lonely, My Love, and then I realized I'd been talking to Bucky and not you for ten minutes and I was scared you'd divorce me!" He sounds genuinely worried, and I can't help but laugh at him as I turn to face him.
"Oh no what horror. You don't speak to your wife for ten minutes" I laugh, pretending to be insulted until I realize he thinks I'm serious.
"I'm kidding!" I say with a smile.

Yes fine, I can't help smiling, and I want to look into Steve's eyes until I die, but that doesn't mean I still couldn't kill someone in less than ten seconds.

He looks at me with narrow eyes, like he's doubtful, and like he's trying to figure out if I really am kidding.
"Steve, I am kidding, you still have a wife" I say and instinctively look down on my ring as I say the word.
"Wife. Wife. Wife..." he keeps saying the weird word as he grabs my hips and starts swaying me around to the music that's started playing, looking straight ahead, so obviously that's not on me because I'm a very little person.

He almost trips over his own feet and then mumble some 1940's way of cursing gracefully as only Steve Rogers would, probably even back then, before he looks at me.
"I like that word. No, I love it. That title. Wife. My wife. I am so lucky, I still can't believe it, Nat! I still can't believe that you're my wife" he says with a sigh, like he's almost relieved we're finally married. I am too. The wedding plans were stressing me out.
"I'm the one who's lucky. I got the Golden Boy. It's a bit of an over scoring on my part, don't you think?"
"No. I did the over...what did you call it..? Scoring? Yes, I did that one, because I got the most perfect human being to have ever walked the earth to marry me, even when the perfect human said she doubted" he sounds so proud in a so charming boyish way, and he looks at me with a beaming smile, making the smile plastered on my face grow even more.

"Alright, you two, have you gazed into each other's eyes long enough now? Sam convinced Happy to participate in a dance battle, and I am invested!" Tony suddenly exclaims, interrupting me and Steve's competition of untiringly proving to be the one more lucky to have got the other, and he pushes us off the dance floor eagerly, spilling his drink over Steve's tux.

"We have got to recruit that Spider-kid from Queens again. Tony needs that boy" Steve says into my ear and intertwines our fingers when we look at Tony who's dancing like a maniac to the beat, waiting for Happy to be pushed onto the floor by Bucky and Rhodey.
"Parker? Definitely. In Berlin, Tony acted like his dad. It was so fun, and he was so unlike the Tony Stark we know" I giggle, reminiscing how Tony yelled at the poor boy to get him to brush his teeth properly because even in his private jet, the food was harsh on his gums.



"Love?" I whisper to Natasha when the music from Sam and Happy's 'dance competition' is fading out and Happy is sitting on a chair with his face in a water bowl, panting furiously and therefore creating bubbles.
"How's baby? You know...speaking of being a dad, I just...do you know?" I whisper and slide my hand gently back and forth on her stomach. I think I'm starting to feel a tiny little bump, but it could also just be the dress.
"I'm pretty sure baby is fine. How come?" She looks at me and places both her little hands on top of mine.
"I just can't wait. And I just don't want us to go through the pain of losing it again" my eyebrows wiggles in a weird motion of combined sympathy and pain of remembering how far we got the last time.
"But Thanos isn't here. So if anything happens, it'll be natural, and I think it'd be easier to handle. At least I wouldn't have to spit out dust" she smiles, moving her hands from my hand to my cheek, tip toeing to kiss my nose. So simple, but so adorable that I want to marry her again. Right now.

Because marrying her one time doesn't seem to even begin to cover how absolutely heads-over-heels-throw-myself-out-a-window-if-she-asked-me-to in love with her I am.

"I love you so so much, Natasha, I can't even...it's like my love for you fills every void of me and every tiny little atom of me, no something smaller than atoms. Every part of me is yours. Forever" I say, in one breath. Like I have only one single chance to tell her in my whole life.
She looks soft, but confused behind that soft look. Like she found this a weird time to confess the absolute undying love I feel for her, which she by the way already knows everything about.
"I...Steve...I...you...those were my words! I love everything about all those atoms all those things that are you. I am so beyond happiness right now, Steve, it feels like I might die" she looks so vulnerable, like she feels like she doesn't deserve the happiness she's feeling. Even after how I've told her that she deserves everything.
"I am yours, Steve" she whispers, leaving her happiness, her faith, her life it feels like, in my hands, and I'll never drop any of it. I'll never forget or drop anything that has something to do with her. Even if I'm forced.

I'll fight that skull to let me keep her all the days I'll live. Here. Just spending every day being madly in love with her until our lives disappears while we're sleeping and I'm holding her.



Overly dramatic? Maybe we were just now, but I couldn't say anything else. My brain is mushed. My heart completely stolen by Steve, and he can keep it. He can keep it for as long as he wants if only I get his. I want his. I need his. I have his.

"You guys! Oh my go-.! You are...you are made for each other more than anyone would've ever known!" Wanda squeals, startling us, and we both look up, realizing almost the entire party's been looking at us all caught up in the moment and each other.

I want to disappear into my dress. I love Steve. And I love them...to a certain length... But I sure don't want them to hear how mushed and squished my insides are at this point, all because of my perfect...well, he is now...my husband.

"We're also having a baby" Steve just replies, rushed. Like he was lost for words as well but didn't have quite as much fabric to hide in as me. Well, that was also a way of telling everyone. Too fast though.
"Steve" I snarl and slap his chest.
"Sorry I panicked"

"Oh, there's no need to panic, we just wanted to inform you that the cake is served...at last, and then you were being very good to each other and we didn't want to interrupt that" Thor rambles, gazing hungrily at the big three layer cake, that Wanda is very excited about.
"Let's have cake then" I say, hiding how uncomfortable I am from them seeing my vulnerability.
"Hear!" Rhodey yells, and several other members of the party cheers in agreement, hurrying towards the cake table, talking about the very fast news of mine and Steve's baby.

"A baby? Natasha, holy shack...sorry...we're trying to limit the curse words at home with Nate, but a baby! Your baby! I'm so happy for you! And so confused...but happy! How? Everything happening with you and Steve. How? How did I not know?" Clint asks quickly as he pulls me behind the crowd as they run like ants to the cake.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" is all I say before I run to the cake table and pull my knife out of my thigh holster to cut that delicious looking, very lovely, sugary, perfect pregnancy cake.

"Christ! You have a knife on you on your wedding day?" Pietro shouts frightened when I cut through the white-frosted cake, and I look at him like he's stupid. Why wouldn't I have a knife?
"Because I always need a knife. A knife is good" I tell him before Steve stuffs my mouth with cake, but not before putting frosting on my nose.
"You're crazy, you know that?" He laughs and kisses my forehead.
"You're the cra—" I try, but the cake stuffs my mouth so much that I just smash cake in his face too.

"To Steve and Natasha!" Clint yells in unison with Bucky and they clink their glasses so the champagne washes over them, and they laugh. Everyone does.

How in the world did I get here? Life can be like this? This good?

I am back! I don't know how regularly I'll upload because I'm unsure of how much time I actually have on my hands, but anyways...
I hope you liked this, I know I'm a little rusty, but I still hope you did.

Also, I'm sorry I didn't post the AU. I started hating it and then I deleted it, and I haven't been on Wattpad since.

Happy New Years!

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