No Way Out

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We've had James for four days. Four days. And we only have three left.

There are no ways out. And I try harder than I try anything to find one. A loophole. A hiding spot. Heck, I'd try moving to another planet if that helped.
This isn't just a failed kill mission where I need to escape authorities. This is my life. This is my husband and son.

"Steve, can I talk to you?" I nervously stop in the doorway to James' nursery.
Steve looks up from James whom he's been looking at for an hour. At least.
"Sure. What is it?" He kisses James' little forehead that I know for a fact have a wonderful baby smell, and it just makes my heart ache all the more.

"What is up, My Love?" He wraps his arms around my waist and plants a little kiss on my lips.
"Everything. I've just been thinking...shouldn't we...I mean, shouldn't we try and negotiate with Strange? There must be a loophole. Somewhere..."
He looks thoughtfully up into the ceiling for a second before he looks at me again, "where would that be? I've been thinking about it too, but I can' know, I can't find anything"
"I thought might be a little wild...but I thought about traveling back in time. We still have Pym particles, yeah?" I look up at him. If we don't, I have absolutely zero ideas.
"Yeah, a bunch. Why?" He looks skeptical.
"Can any way...create a time suit for James, and just constantly travel back in time?" I know it's a long shot, but I'll do everything to keep this family together. I've already lost two families in my life.
"Natasha, I don't think we can. Nothing would make sense. I think we'd be miserable" he says quietly, brushing his fingers through my hair.
"I guess. I just don't want this to end. I love you, and I love James. I mean, I never thought I'd have a family like this. It's feels like something I've been missing my whole life"
He looks sad, but something tells me he's trying not to. For my sake.

"I love you more, Nat. And I love James. The little Brooklyn family guy in me is proud that I have this. A wife so amazing, and a son as amazing as his momma. I don't want this to end either. But I think...maybe this is like a fever dream?"
"But aren't those supposed to be happy? I'm not happy, Steve. I don't get to enjoy my husband or my baby anymore. I already miss you..." I whisper, nudging my face further into his t-shirt. Into his heart.
"I know, I miss you already too. We need to talk to Stange if we want any hope"
"I don't think we have it"



"Can you do anything, Dr. Strange?" I look at him. He got here within 15 minutes because he apparently 'saw that we wanted to talk to him', and if he can't give me anything, give me any time with my wife and my son, then I have so many things I want to do. So much pain I want to inflict on just...something.
"I don't think so. I really do not think that there is any outcome where you two walk out of this alive"
"What about James? We need him alive too" Natasha says, more like an order than a question or a wish. She plays with her wedding ring nervously as she speaks, looking at James cooing in her arms.
"I must admit that your baby is very cute, but I don't think it's possible...I really don't think it is"
"But can't you try..? Stephen, I'm begging you. Anything. I'll do anything" I plead, seriously considering dropping to my knees and beg him.
He looks disgusted.

"You don't get to call me Stephen. Do you know how much beauty sleep I've had to sacrifice so your presence in this universe was less threatening while you two were playing happy family?"
"Strange..." Natasha warns at his attempt at a joke, her voice holding so much threat that I would simply crumble if she used that with me.
"Sorry. But no matter what. Joke or not. I can't help you. I can try and see outcomes, but I already think I know. It was inside the limits before the events in the parallel universe, your real universe, but now it isn't. I did tell you before, that it has messed with the perception of time. And that's risky. I'll try to help, but chances are slim. So probably get ready for your fate that will catch up with you in three days" he leaves us alone without another word.

"So what do we do?" Natasha looks at me defeated.
"You stay right here in my arms" I tell her, and pull her close, — without crushing James of course, — inhaling her scent that I have loved for many years but could love forever.
"I don't want to be anywhere else" she mutters.

I know this is not super good or super interesting, but I have lost every idea and love I had for this story. Probably because it brings back memories of when I was writing next to my dad, even if he just watched TV or read or something.

So, I'm afraid next chapter will be last or second to last.

I want to write more stories because I love it, but I think I need a new start.
I'll probably ask you for ideas, because I simply have none.

Stay safe!

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