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Don't own Naruto and the cover I made on the app Book Cover Maker (Who woulda thought) but I did use a picture off google as the background so ye...

You can also read this story on and Archive of Our Own
Archive- YetiForHire Frozen34

On with the story!

POV: ???

I should've saw it coming- wait, I knew what lay ahead. I knew it was killing me...

Initially, it was nothing more than a joke,

"Imagine if I started smoking! I would never, haha."

"My parents are right, drugs are bad."

But time changes people, those jokes become more than just jokes. They morphed into thoughts, fantasies, sometimes it made an appearance in my dreams.

"Ne, what if I tried it once... I doubt I'd do it again, so maybe just once..."

"Yeah, I'd never get addicted to drugs!"

Honestly, I don't know what drove me- I'm lying to myself... I know why I did it, I knew what would happen. It's no surprise how I turned out, I'm just a product of my own creation... Right?

"I don't have enough money... Mom has some in her purse right?"

"Mmm, I need more..."

A Depressed, antisocial, stressed, anxious, constantly insecure angsty teenage high school girl is the perfect mixture for an eventual disaster. I hold many regrets about living my life as I did. if I could do it all over, I'd probably still end up the same... The end of my story is pretty lame ain't it?

Never had many friends, only a handful at certain points in my life. I wouldn't say they were bad friends, I just never got the gist of social interaction. I developed an unconscious tendency to ghost people, ignoring them entirely for a few weeks due to my incomputable social anxiety.

This was another big reason why I didn't have friends for long periods of time, sooner or later whenever anything went wrong I'd fall back on my inner coward. I wanted to avoid everything which cost me the ability to be sought after and remembered by others.

I didn't want to be forgotten though whenever I could muster up the little amount of courage and bravery I had, things always tended to go south. The results of said situations just reinforced my ironclad shell of isolation.

Often I would overhear conversations about me within my classes at school. During my freshmen year, my inability to socialize with others quickly became exploited by fellow students. With the unwanted attention, I caved in more to my intrapersonal instincts, earning me the title of class outcast. Soon after that I became further ostracized from my peers. I couldn't resent or get myself to hate them for it because I never attempted to stop it.

It was a perfect fit, to say the least.

I can recall numerous times when I was called down to the office to be questioned if I needed any sort of emotional support or counseling. Apparently, a teacher reported on my unusual distant behavior and thought I needed help. It puzzled me at first because I thought of myself as perfectly fine. I was simply going about my usual (albeit barren) everyday life. At that time I wouldn't deduce myself as insane or anything of the sort, at least not yet...

So, to begin with, I was actively trying to distance myself from others. but when my sophomore year came rolling around that's when the depression began to burst into fruition from all the previous years of stress.

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