"Look who's talking." Chan jokes which causes me to laugh

"I'll wait for you to come back home." Chan says while placing his hand on my cheek

I nod and smile weakly
"I love you Chan."

"I love you too Y/n"

With that I was on my way through security.
Once I got done with security, I turn back to look at my loved ones.

They stand there with weak smiles but wave at me whenever they meet my gaze.

I look at them for a good minute before waving goodbye and walking away to find my gate.

-4 months into the semester-
Chan and I text everyday and FaceTime every once in awhile. We're both too busy to FaceTime so often but whenever we do we stay on the phone for hours on end.

-5 months into the semester-
However, 5 months into the semester Chan slowly stopped texting and calling. "He must be busy." Is what I told myself whenever he didn't answer my texts or calls.

-6 months into the semester-
No calls.
No texts.
No sign of Chan.
It's as if he completely disappeared from my life.

-One Late Night-
I lay in my bed, thinking wether or not I should call Chan.

"Debating wether you should call him or not?" My room mate and best friend Ari ask as she watches me

I sigh and rub my eyes "I didn't notice you were watching me." I slightly laugh

"I just happened to look over at you." Ari laughs as she gets up from her studying desk and walks over to my bed and takes a seat

"Should I call him?" I ask Ari

"I think it's about time you move on, he hasn't tried reaching out to you for 2 months now." Ari shakes her head

"I can't just move on from him, we've been together for almost two years."

Ari sighs then continues "Just forget about him for a day, just one day."


"Well one of my friends got sick so she won't be able to attend the fan meet on Friday so you can take her place."

"Ari, I don't wanna go see some guys."

Ari gasp at my reply "they're not just some guys, they're 13 amazing talented guys."

Ari continues rambling on and on, which in the end we come to an agreement that I will go with her to the fan meet on Friday.

-Friday aka Fan Meet Day-

Ari and I had arrived to Seoul from China on Wednesday. We meet up with my family the day we arrived and have been with them since then.

I was too busy these past couple days, showing Ari around and hanging out with my family to even think about Chan.

Anyways today is the day I'm going to the fan meet with Ari.

We arrive late and hurry inside just before they were going to shut the doors to the room where the fan meet was being held.

We take our seats which is in the back section and as soon as we sit down, screams from all around me are heard.

I look at the girl next to me and see her waving a light stick and looking towards the mini stage.

I too look ahead and see an endless amount of guys walking on to the stage.

"Wow that's a lot of them." I think to myself as they stand there in a line

They quickly introduce themselves as Seventeen then individually introduced themselves.

Soon it's the last ones turn to introduce himself.

"That boy looks familiar." I think to myself as I watch him

As soon as he puts the mic up to his lips, everyone including Ari erupts in screams.

The boy smiles brightly

"Is that Chan?" I whisper to myself

"Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you, I'm Dino." The boy waves to everyone

"Dino" I sigh "it's not Chan but their voices sound so alike." I shake my head and tune out Dino and everyone else.

I think about Chan and pay no attention to the boys in front of me.

"Come on it's our turn." Ari pulls my arm to stand up

It was finally our sections turn to meet the guys.

Ari rambles on with questions as we walk up to stage, "does my hair look ok?" "Is there anything in my teeth?" And so on

Ari went in front of me to meet the first member.

-Fast Forward-

I met each member and had some small talk but it was still so awkward.

Finally it was the last member.
I sit down in front of him, hand him the album then look back up to him.

Our eyes meet.
We stare at each other for a few seconds.

"Y/n, is that you?"


The boy slightly smiles and nods.

"Why did you disappear all of a sudden? Is this why? Is it because you're famous now?" I ramble on as tears falls from my eyes

"Y/n, please keep it down." Chan says then looks at the member and fan next to us

"What you don't want people to know that we're together?" I croak out

"It's not that, it's just I don't want people to know about you." Chan says with sadness in his voice

I sit there and look at the totally different Chan, well now....Dino.

"I'm sorry I ghosted you. I've been to busy to text or call you these past couples months. It's never ending dance practices, singing/ rap practice, interviews and more." The boy says while searching my face for a reaction

I just nod in response, because what am I supposed to say to that.

The boy sighs then takes my hand in his "Y/n, I'm sorry."

I wipe my tears with my other hand "I'm just glad I can see and talk to you now, even if it's only for a few minutes."

Chan smiles lightly "let's go on a date after this"

"Yeah, I'd like that." I lightly laugh

Chan wipes away the last few tears on my face just as our time finishes.

"I love you y/n"

"I love you too."

We say before I get up from the seat.

The End

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