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Y/n's POV (3 years later):

Today I had woken up and taken Leon to school.  He was 5 years old and in kindergarten.  Boo and I had adopted him soon after our marriage.  I had to get up at 6 to make sure that I was ready before I woke Leon up.  I quickly took a shower and got dressed.  I had no reason to wear a binder anymore because I had gotten top surgery 2 years ago.  Anyways, after I got dressed I went over to Leon's room and shook him awake.  Once he was awake I helped him out of bed and get a shower.  Once he was done I quickly got him some breakfast and we headed to the bus stop.  The bus soon came and he gave me a hug before running on to talk to his friends. 

I headed back to the house and made some waffles for Boo and I.  It was about 9 when I had finished.  I set up the table and went to go wake him up.  I stepped into our bedroom and went over to the bed.

"Boo, wake up.  I made waffles."

He groaned and rolled over to face me.  He opened his eyes before pulling me down onto the bed to hug me.  I laughed and hugged him back.

"We need to eat babe," I said.

"No.  Cuddles."

"I made waffles though."

His brain finally processed that I said 'waffles' and he jumped out of bed still holding me.  He set me down and ran to the kitchen.  I followed behind while laughing.  I soon got to the table and he was already eating.  I sat down and started eating too.  We soon got done and started discussing what to do.

"I mean, we could stream with Amber and Ryan.  Maybe their partners too.  They only live next door," I suggested.

"If you want to we can.  It's still crazy to think about how we met online and now we're married," he laughed.

"Yeah," I agreed, also laughing.  "Same for Ryan's story.  He met his husband at a mall during a trip to North Carolina because of a MrBeast challenge."

"Yeah.  Oh!  Chat doesn't know about Leon yet.  We could tell them about him!" Ranboo said.

"Ok!  Let's to that after he gets home.  Wanna stream around 4?" I asked.

"Sure!  I need to go film with Tom and Toby now," he said.

He got up and walked over to me.  He gave me a kiss and put his plate in the dishwasher.

"Ok!  Talk to you later Boo!"

"Ok!  You can just bring Leon into the office after he gets home," he said as he walked away.

"Ok!  Love you!"

"Love you too Pizza."


Leon had just gotten home and I told him what we were doing.  He was ok with it.  He understood how we were famous streamers and thought it was really cool.  I texted Boo that we were home and he told me to just come in with Leon.  I picked up Leon and walked to our office.  I opened the door and walked in.

"Hey Pizza!  The stream is started and I have tweeted out that it's a big announcement.  Facecam isn't on yet though," Ranboo said.

"Ok!  Are you ready Leon?" I asked.

He shook his head yes and hugged me.  I sat down in my chair with Leon in my lap.  We were out of frame and would come in whenever Boo told us too.  Soon Ranboo started the stream and greeted chat.

"Hello chat!  Sorry for the 10 minutes wait!  This is just a big announcement and I wanted people to get int here!" he said excitedly.  "Anyways, today we have a big announcement!  Lion and a special guest are here so why don't they come into frame."

That was our cue and I rolled the chair into frame.

"Hey chat!  This is our son Leon!  We adopted him soon after we got married and you guys already know when that was!  He is 5 currently!  If you insult him I will simply break your face," I said with a  smile.

Chat was going insane.  They clearly didn't expect this to be the announcement.  It was almost as crazy as when we told them we were getting married.

"Say 'hi' Leon!" I said.

"Hi!" Leon said in the most cute and excited voice.  

Chat went even more insane.  Ranboo and I laughed while Leon hugged me.  We all just talked to chat and answered their questions.  Soon Leon fell asleep.  I noticed this and told Boo and chat.

"Ok chat.  That will be the stream today.  Leon is tired and we need to eat dinner," Ranboo said quietly.

"Yep!  Goodbye chat!" I whispered as Ranboo changed the screen to his ending screen.

We ended the stream after raiding Tubbo and I went to make dinner.  Boo played with Leon until I called them.  They both came running after I told them I made spaghetti.  It was their favorite and I had no problem making it since I loved to cook.  Ranboo did cook too but I usually did because I found it very stress relieving.

We started eating and talking about some things.  Leon talked about what he had done at school and he also asked some questions about streaming.  We answered his questions and asked some questions about what he had done at school.  he told us about how he had met someone who had 2 moms.  He said how they were like the opposite of him.  We told him that that was cool and maybe we could meet his friend and their moms.  He told us that he would try and get us one of the moms' phone numbers.

After this conversation we all got ready for bed.  It was a Thursday so Leon was excited for tomorrow.  On Fridays his school server pizza for lunch.  He loved the pizza and always got really excited so it was more difficult getting him to bed.  Soon I was able to get him in bed.  Boo offered to read his bedtime story tonight because he knew I was tired.  I agreed and went to brush my teeth.  Soon I was in bed and Boo came in a few minutes later.  He got in next to me and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.


A/n:  That's it.  I hope you all enjoyed.  After this is a final A/n.  I will say all that I want to say there.  Have a good day/night!

(1061 words)

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