Why Me!?

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TW: panic attack, gender/body dysphoria, mentions of self harm and sharp objects

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to Ranboo playing with my hair.  I looked at him as he stared down at me.  Once he zoned back in he blushed and looked away.  I quietly laughed.

"D-did I wake you up?" Ranboo stuttered quietly.

"Yeah, I don't care though," I answered.

"Oh, that's good.  Its noon now," he told me.

"I need to shower but then we can go to a cafe if you want to," I suggested.

"Sure!" Ranboo said excitedly.

I laughed, "Ok!  Let me shower now."

He moved his arms so I was able to get out.  I kissed his cheek and left the room.  I looked back to see him with his hand on his cheek in shock.  I laughed.

I got to my room and grabbed my clothes.  That's when I realized.

'Fuck!' I screamed in my head.  

I had worn my binder all night.

'Shit.  Guess I'm gonna have to wear baggy clothes.  Not complaining honestly.'

I grabbed a baggy t-shirt and some jeans and went to the bathroom.  I undressed and hopped in letting the hot water run over my body.  I quickly washed my hair and body and got out.  I got dressed quickly, not looking it the mirror to avoid having to deal with my dysphoria getting worse than it already was.  

Once I finished getting dress I made the mistake of looking in the mirror.  Naturally, my eyes traveled down to my chest.  I start shaking.  Dysphoria hadn't been this bad in a while.  I started to cry.  This had started to remind me of when this would happen back when I lived with my family.  I remembered when I would take sharp objects and drag them on my skin to relieve some of the pain.  I had stopped that recently and didn't want to ruin it.  I reached for my phone and typed out a message to Ranboo.  I hoped he would understand.


A/n:  Hello!  Sorry that this took a long time to update.  Not even gonna lie, kinda forgot it existed.  BUT I'M BACK!  I also made a oneshots book if you wanna request anything.  Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing day/night!

(363 words)

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