A Long Call

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Ranboo's POV:

I woke up the next morning and was still on call with Lion.  I was tired and didn't recall many of the things that happened last night

Y/n, flashed in my mind.

Wait!  Wasn't that what Lion's name is!  He told me last night right before I fell asleep!  Oh god.  His name is so cool.  wkfcowfbcjqalkdncqowflbcofkn.  I am simping way to hard right now.

I was pulled out of my thoughts shortly after I realized this due to hearing Li- sorry, Y/n moving on the other side of the call.

"Good morning sir," I said.

"Good morning Memory Boi," he responded.

Holy shit.  His morning voice is so amazing.

"Do you wanna stay on call a bit longer?" I asked.

"Sure," he answered.  "Let me use the bathroom and check on my friends first."



Around 5 ish minutes later he came back.

"Update, my friends ate my lucky charms and left!  All they left was a note!  A note!  I want my lucky charms back!"

I laughed at this.


"Uhhhhh. . . nooooooo," I responded.

"How dare you," he said.


"Oh!  Wanna facetime?" He asked.  "You don't have to show your face but I'll show mine because I'm not faceless." 

"Sure!  Dm me your number," I responded.

"Sure!  Text me first though to make sure you call the right person."

"Will do.  Bye for now!"


I left the call and waited for him to send me his number.  Once I got it, I put it into my contacts and labeled it "Pretty Boy <3".  I texted him soon after.


hey!  it's Memory Boi

Pretty Boy <3

heyo!  im gonna facetime you now :)

Pretty Boy <3 has changed your name to Memory Boi :)

Memory Boi :)

ok.  good name choice btw :)

I got a facetime call a few seconds later.

I answered and made sure the camera was pointed at the ceiling.

"Hello!" I greeted.

"Hiya!" he responded.

He had the camera up against something so it would stay up.  I was able to see his face clearly.  He looked very presentable for just waking up around 20 minutes ago.

"How do you look presentable even though you woke up like 20 minutes ago!?" I yelled.

His race turned red and he responded with, "I just look hot all the time" in a cocky voice.

"You do," I agreed.

He got really red and used his hands to cover his face. 

"Aww, did I fluster you?"

"Noooo," he responded quietly.

"I think I did."

"This is unfair!  I can't compliment how you look but you can compliment how I look because I can't see your face!"

"What if I let you see my face?"  I asked.

"You wouldn't," he said, sounding very certain.

"Hmm. . . what if I show you my face right now?"

"You're not gonna."

I moved my phone so my camera was showing my face.  "Hey!  Look up pretty boy!"

He looked up and went bright red.  

"Holy shit you're hot."

A/n:  Hallooooo!  I was gonna update this yesterday but I was kinda having a bad day so sorry about that.  Gender sucks.  Anyways, thank you for reading this book!  I really appreciate it.  It's nice to know that at least some people like what I write.  I am dying inside right now.  Probably gonna cure my loneliness temporarily with fanfiction like always.  I hope you have a great day/night or whatever!

(584 words)

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