Chapter 7 - What I felt instead, was nothing

Start from the beginning

It's unusual to have Bennett acting like this. He's always a gentleman, I'll give him that, but he's really trying to be there for me and make me feel better.

"Bennett, can I ask you a question?" He was about to leave, but turned back to me as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

"Sure." He sat down in the chair in front of me.

"Why have you been trying to cheer me up lately?"

He takes a deep breath before answering me, serious this time.

"Like I said before, I care about you, Alex. We've known each other our whole lives." That doesn't exactly answer my question and he knows that. "To be honest, now that Dylan is gone, I thought it was a good opportunity to show you that there are other people who are here for you."

I can't deny that I have been feeling good about the way Bennett is acting around me this past week. We had our ups and downs when classes started, but it feels different these past days.

It's nice to have him being like this and even if it's not a big deal, it makes me feel special somehow.

I know he wouldn't do that for just anyone, like offering to tutor me.

"Hey, Bennett, I've been looking for you." The girl from chem class - you know, the one that he was talking to the first day of classes - bursts into the classroom, startling us and making me look away. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you had company."

She shoots me a glare and I can't help but notice the bitter tone in her voice. I wonder what her problem is, considering I don't even know her.

"Ben, we have to go to the lab, remember?" She seems annoyed, so maybe her problem is that Ben is spending time with another girl. She was flirting with him that day after all.

Well, I guess Bennett has a 'not so secret' admirer.

Not that I think he is corresponding to her flirting. I mean, even if he is being nicer to me, he is still a robot.

But what do I know? It's not like I spend time with them and I know he hates being called Ben, but maybe he is into her too and doesn't mind. This thought makes me feel uncomfortable, for some reason.

He nods and stands up, making his way to the door.

"Let me know if I can help you study, ok?'' I nod and smile, just to get a reassuring smile back from him.

I don't know why Bennett is being so nice, but I wasn't expecting to feel so good about it.


Ok, I'm freaking the hell out.

It's finally Friday, after an intense week and I'm in my room getting ready for my date with Dylan.

I still can't believe I'm going on a date with him! I've waited for this moment my whole life and now that it's here, I'm actually panicking.

Like, panicking big time!! I'm hyperventilating and that's not a good sign. I even took a preventive medicine for the migraine, because it usually happens when I'm nervous.

"Will you relax, please?" Lilly is here to help me get ready, but all she is doing is telling me that I should chill, which means that she's not helping at all. "Go with the black dress."

"You think? Isn't it too much to go to the movies?"

I look at the short dress that is lying on my bed and I put my hand on my chin as I contemplate if this is the outfit I should wear.

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