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Hey all!! Welcome to the first chapter to 'My Weakness'!!!!!!!


THIS BOOK IS UNEDITED, please refrain from correcting mistakes!!

There will be smut, and tons of it!!!

⚠️ smut in this chapter ⚠️

Anywho, please let me know what you think of this chapter!!

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"Yes Mamma?" I shout across the house in response to my mom.

"Giovanna!" My mom yells again.

I sigh, knowing that if I ask 'what' she still won't respond but rather continue calling for me until I come downstairs to see what she wants of me in person.

Taking the overflowing basket of laundry with me down the stairs, I wander into the kitchen where the smell of homemade pasta was being made.

"Finally, Giovanna. I've been calling for you." My mom sighs, rushing around the kitchen with a ladle in hand and oil in the other. "Help me with the bread. Cut it into slices for garlic bread. Kay?"

"Yes, mamma." I smile, setting the basket of clothes down on the nearest chair.

My mom, to put it simply, is a loud, loving Italian woman who adores her family but food first and foremost. She says 'without good food, a family suffers.' Which I guess I'm some ways is true. Oh, and we can't forget her other go to, 'Giovanna, if you can't cook for your man, you won't have a man.'
She's old fashioned in the sense that a woman stays at home, doing the cooking, the cleaning and tending to the children while the husband is the breadwinner.

I don't agree with her on that but arguing with her about it is impossible.

My father, Papa, on the other hand, he thinks I should go to school to become a doctor. He's always made jokes that I would throw my dollies down the stairs just so that I could aid them.
I don't remember throwing them down the stairs but I can't say I disagree with him.

"Giovanna!" My mom exclaims, "you keep cutting the bread in uneven slices, you're never going to make me a Nonna!" She cries out.

"Sorry mamma." I apologize, trying to focus more on the loaf of bread rather than my thoughts.
Which is hard for me. I tend to live in a world inside my head more often than I do in real life. Papa calls me a dreamer, and he thinks it's a great quality to have. Mamma... not so much.

"How's your studies Giovanna? Straight A's hm?" Mamma questions, chopping a head of lettuce.

"Almost?" I say in a more questioning tone.

"Almost? Giovanna. You don't have all A's?"

"Mamma, I have all A's and a high B. That's not too bad. Especially considering I'm a freshman in college." I say in a slightly defensive tone. Or as defensive as I can get without coming across like I'm 'talking back' and being disrespectful.

"Without a true major! Why even be in college when you should be focused on making a family." She spits out, then continuing on in Italian as she buries herself in her cooking.

I won't lie, I would love to have a family. But I'd also like to make something of myself.

Plus, finding love in the city of Queens isn't necessarily easy. All of our neighbors are Italian, who marry their children off to other Italians who do the same with their kids and so on. It's been this way for... well... a long time.
Mamma has even hosted dinners dozens of times with families that have sons my age but let's be honest... it's 2022... if I'm going to find love, I'm going to do it the right way.
Have a cute-meet if you will.

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