Start from the beginning

The noise of the crowd begins to subside at my words, the reporter who had initially posed the question lowering his microphone. "What do you have to say about the recent pictures circulating in the media. Do you have a new love interest?" Another reporter asks referring to the pictures that were taken of Lucas and I in the park when we were hanging out.

This time, I don't answer the question because if I do, I'll only be giving them something to talk about and more theories will be created in the tabloids concerning Lucas and I. Any comment I make will likely fuel the gossip mill. So remaining silent is the best course of action. By choosing not to address the question directly, I'm protecting my privacy and maintaining a level of control over the narrative surrounding my personal life.

The gigantic doors swing open, my brother and I stepping inside the huge ballroom decorated so breathtakingly, radiating an aura of beauty and splendor. Rose gold chandeliers are hanging from the high ceilings, their delicate crystals catching the light and casting a mesmerizing array of colours across the room. The effect is nothing short of magical, as if we've stepped into a fairy tale. Guests are elegantly walking around with glasses of cocktails in hand, making conversations and humming to the classical music as their footsteps echo softly against the polished marble floors.

My friends are led to our reserved table as I head to the powder room opening the door and stepping inside, the door closing behind me and enveloping me in a cocoon of privacy. Standing infront of the circular mirror I breathe out in exhaustion already tired of being here. The weight of expectations and obligations settle heavily on my shoulders, like an invisible burden that follows me everywhere I go. Tonight, like countless other evenings, I find myself here, playing the role of the dutiful child by making an appearance for my parents' grand businesses. Together it helps maintain their strong image and status as one of the most powerful and successful families in the business industry.

The fatigue I feel is not physical but also emotional. It stems from the constant need to maintain appearances, to project an image of success and power that upholds my family's reputation. The relentless pressure to embody the legacy of one of the most influential families in the business industry weighs heavily on me and drains me, threatening to consume my own sense of identity.

As I look into the mirror, I catch a glimpse of my reflection, a facade carefully crafted to satisfy the expectations of my parents, their peers and society at large. I see a composed and polished woman, groomed and dressed in an attire that exudes elegance and affluence. But beneath the well practiced smile and poised demeanor is a woman yearning for authenticity, freedom and a desire to break free from the predetermined path laid out before me by my parents.

This is the price I have to pay for being born into privilege. The weight of my family's legacy is both a blessing and a curse, intertwining my identity with an unrelenting demand for perfection.

I'm more than just a name, a Lazano. I'm more than the sum of my family's achievements. I'm an individual with dreams, passions and aspirations that extend beyond the confines of my family's legacy.

After catching a breather in the powder room, I straighten my posture, putting on a mask of confidence and adjusting my appearance in the mirror one last time as I silently vow to myself to carve my own path, shape my own destiny and find fulfillment beyond the shadow of my family's powerful image. I head back to the venue blending in with the rest of the guests and joining my friends at the table. I catch a glimpse of my dad, standing tall and confident, his black hair impeccably styled. In his hand, he's holding a crystal glass of a perfectly crafted whiskey sour as he talks to a CEO of a prominent marketing company that he's planning on partnering with on a project. The two men exchange ideas and insights, their conversations punctuated by nods and occasional laughter. Not far away, my mum is engaged in a conversation with a Senator, a figure of influence and power. Her vibrant maroon mermaid gown is hugging her curves, her captivating smile drawing people in. The senator is listening attentively to her, occasionally nodding in agreement and acknowledging the importance of her words.

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