February 11, 2022

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It was a brilliant feat, directed by the genius doctor who found the loop. With the Doctors finding we could go back to any time. While the plan was foolproof there were still doubts. Perhaps I would get shot off and then get lost among the beautiful stars for the rest of eternity. They checked me into the capsule, I knew every part of it better than the palm of my hand. The countdown began and I was ready to face the unknown.

The G-forces were insane in the beginning, so bad that I felt like I had just been hit by a 9 ton gorilla. After 30 seconds I was reprieved of the pain. there was nothing other than the sound of simultaneous whirring machine parts and birds singing outside. The capsule opened up slowly, and in focus I could see that I was beside a huge building surrounded by bustling cars and people. The machine was not visible by the people of the time but it would soon reach visibility. I had gone to the wrong time.

I got out of the capsule and dragged it into an alley between two buildings. There was a garbage can nearby with old clothes in there. I pulled out a beautiful dress with grace and prosperity that fit the time I was in. I dressed and then I set off to explore, there were people everywhere. I hummed Micheal Jackson nervously subconsciously. I women walked up confused at what I was singing, for they had never heard something like this before. A woman walked up to me, about my age, and asked about the music wanting to be friends, or so I thought.

The woman was following me around asking about the song I had just hummed to. I politely told her I had made it up knowing that she would not live to the reign of Micheal Jackson. She asked my name and I told her my modern name. She looked confused because my name had not been invented yet.

There was immutable excitement around a city block in which I aimlessly roamed. Some he said she said about the president in a large group. I felt as if it would raise my believability if I related to the things that the people were saying. I said something quickly about Obama before realizing what I had said. The woman looked at me and repeated what I said before telling me that the president was John Adams.

The woman took my arm and dragged me into an alley, which was rather painful as she did not put into consideration that I am connected to the arm. She began to ask me crazy questions about where I was from and if I was tied in any way to witchcraft. I pulled away and began running not wanting to dig myself into another deep hole of lies. She tried running to get me but I ended up going faster than she could ever run.

At that point I needed to get out of this. I realized that it was incredibly hard to fit into a time where you did not fit. I decided I would need scrap metal and fire in order to fix the machine. I ran to find the materials and collected scraps of metal. After they were collected I needed to drop them off in the alley and find a really large heat source.

To connect the odd fitting parts of the metal I first started a fire. Digging through the metal carefully so I would not cut myself on the edges, I found a long piece of metal and rubber. I put the rubber on the end of the metal rod and set it over the fire to heat up. After it was hot enough I put the parts of metal on the capsule and with the makeshift soldering iron they stuck to the machine like glue. The capsule was finished and it was time for me to go back home.

The ride back to the future was bumpier than the ride to the past. This time, it felt like there was a 9 ton gorilla but it was jumping on you like you were a trampoline. Then there was no more of the shaking and rattling. The perennial sound of whirring from the machines could be heard again. This time however instead of birds there was the sound of people whispering loudly around the capsule.

Stepping out of the capsule I was greeted with cheers and celebration for the fact that I had been a pioneer of time, the first of my species in fact. I reported on the breaking of the machine so they could hopefully have a smoother ride in the future. But right now I did not care about the future, all I cared about was the time I was in now. 

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