October 7, 2021

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The needle was piercing sharply into her skin, however, she wouldn't cry, she was too tough to cry. The room was cold and bare with white walls and tile floors, it had a metal table where she laid. The person doing the ritual was in a full jumpsuit with a mask over their face. She had been well prepared for this. The worker finished and wiped the area with the mark with their hand and covered it with a cloth.

"Your done Brooke," The worker said in a robotic tone.

Brooke's eyes peeled away from the ceiling.

"Eh, thanks?" She said glancing over to the spot where the needle had punctured her skin. The cloth had blood and ink spreading throughout its fibers.

The room filled with a thick gas however Brooke again was not scared because she was prepared for this to happen.

Brooke awoke at her house in her bed surrounded by her parents who were crying about how grown up their baby is.

She was still a bit displaced from the gas but promptly put her hand up to feel the cloth that was now not on her skin.

It looked like a blob of orange at first but then it was clear......... Brooke Davis had a tattooed clownfish on her arm.

11 Years Later

Brooke was in college, her hair had grown into a lovely colorful afro of all colors. She had grown paler than usual and she had somehow accidentally super glued a big red nose on.

Brooke was trying to be an actor but the only thing she could act like was a clown.

"Aye watcha doin brookie" A new york accent spoke out, it was the clownfish tattooed on her arm.

"Shut up no one likes you" Brooke glared down that stupid fish was the scum of the earth. It forced her to trip and mess up everything.

"No need to be salty doll.... Haha, salty" the tattoo laughed at his own joke.

Just then Brooke was called down to the principles office. After a long time of stalling it was concluded that Brooke was prohibited from the college for being too "rambunctious".

"Hey eh... I didn't mean to get you in so much trouble Brookie" The tattoo seemed almost... guilty which was something Brooke assumed could never happen.

Brooke ignored it, she planned on being petty towards the fish for the rest of her life.

9 years later

Brooke was so old. Being thirty means you are transcending into mid-life already. But instead of going into a crisis as some people do, she was sitting on her poolside eating a shrimp cocktail. Turns out the government had made a mistake and gave her lots of money.

She also had created a podcast for the fish on her arm and her where they argued.

The listeners loved it and they always wanted more.

Brooke also had her hair fixed and dyed, as well as fixing everything else.

It's really wonderful what a girl can do with a budget and a spray tan.

The tattoo of course demanded he had a mustache reformed on him so he could be more sophisticated.

Brooke found this stupid but allowed it because she was a billionaire.

The clownfish still struggles to this day about the fact that he was a mistake and that he almost ruined Brookes's life. He feels like a fugitive for what he did.

Brooke on the other hand did not care one bit, she was too busy swimming in her pool of chardonnay and eating cheese with olives in it and diamond-encrusted crackers. 

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