October 18, 2021

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Gunter, Chevalier de la Neige came from a noble family inhabited in the north of England. At the ripened age of nine, he was sent off to knightly school. When he made the top of his class, he did not dare boast, in that manner he had many inhibitions. Gunter had his fraternity of soldiers in many ruthless battles but it would be nothing like the battle he was going to face today. The battle of the 21st century.

27-year-old Demelza Elrod was sitting alone eating her bottomless breadsticks at Olive garden. Her date had not shown up and it was ruining her entire vibe. Demelza realized in a sudden pang of formality that she was on her last breadsticks as it would be socially unacceptable to get a sixth bowl for herself.

Finishing up her Olive garden version of Cabernet Sauvignon in a long gulp she began to head out assuming the day could not get any worse. (Oh Demelza, sweet Demelza it can always get worse)

Back in England, Gunter was leading his noble army into battle against the Vikings (forgive me I know nothing of knights). Right as they were about to charge a strange object fell from the sky.

Gunter picked up the object carefully inspecting its shape texture and smell, he lifted it up to his nose and observed that the object closely resembled the scent of garlic and fantastic cheese.

While it was foolish, Gunter was starving so he took a bite.

Suddenly Demelza and Gunter had switched places. It was nearly just as surprising for a bunch of Olive Garden guests and employees to see a knight in chain-linked armor, as it was for the army to see a girl showing her ankles.

Gunter was planning on playing this cool and not freaking out, so he ate the tip-off of a random customer's breadstick, and proclaimed loudly that the festivities were to begin momentarily.

Meanwhile, for Demelza, she was now in one of the largest battles England ever faced. Demelza realized she had not gone to the gym in two weeks and the most aggressive thing she could do is send mean emails. Yeah, she realized she was screwed.

Gunter decided to make the Olive Garden home to him and began sitting with random tables. He was rather good looking so the middle-aged women loved him and the men hated him.

Demelza awakened on the back of a horse in a cage. She found herself surrounded by many of Gunter's fraternal soldiers. This was bad, fortunately, she spent an unhealthy amount of time watching youtube, and with that, she knew how to pick a lock with anything. She took out the lock and climbed out and started to run, fast.

Gunter found himself wandering around aimlessly in the kitchens when he spotted the oven. Just then the oven made a loud groaning noise. Gunter was terrified so he began running as fast as he could.

Boom and just like that, they were back in their respective places. No one ever really talks about that because it might have all just been a dream. WINK WINK. 

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