September 20, 2021

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An apple a day keeps The Doctor away, but you're all out of apples, and he's coming! Must include (5) highlighted U5P4 words (any of the 30), italicize (5) Pronouns and their Antecedents, and at least 500 words. Please state word count at top of Google Document. MINOR ESSAY (F)

This is what you heard the moment you diverted from your peaceful dream. Your window was

broken and there was something dripping on your forehead from the ceiling. You did not dare

look up at the fear of something actually being there. You take your hand and brush it across

your forehead. It's a red liquid... like blood with saliva mixed in it. You consider turning on your

lamp but think the decision over again just in case something would get you at the sound of your

movements. In time you decide its for the best and you're probably being stupid so you turn on

the lamp. A horrible screeching like the sound of a rusty bike's brake rings out across your room

and possibly even the neighborhood. You grab the knife you keep under your pillow, you keep a

knife there because you live in America, and prepare for battle. The creature opens its ten ugly

eyes and hisses again giving you a full smell of its horrible coffee breath. It jumps on you and

you stab it in time so you don't get killed yourself. After the creature's death you observe it never

having seen such an odd thing. It smells like a doctor's office and it has a coffee-smelling

breath. You look out the window, thousands of these creatures are meandering across your

yard. You lock your door to your room not daring to revert to peeking out and then lock the

windows in your room. What in the world was happening, they were piling against the window.

You start to think somewhat logically given your current situation. You remember the old saying

about apples and doctors, it makes you remember the apple you had carved with the knife you

used. It made so much sense, that was your last apple. So now for some reason there were

crazy looking monster things trying to get inside your room, this is a totally reasonable

explanation. You decided not to dawdle so you grab the knife and decide to make a trip to the

store for some apple juice. You open the door to a whole entire mob of these creatures and start

slashing aimlessly. You tread over their bodies trying to reach the garage. You make it and you

put on your helmet ready to leave on your motorcycle, you think about how cool you will look

until you realize how "bad" you would be by "going to go get apple juice". Anyways you wave

away from that thought and leave to traverse to the store. You drive through them, you have to

but they dont die without the apples. When you get to the store there is a teenager working at the

desk. You walk up and only say one word "apple juice". The worker is very confused but blames

the encounter on sleep deprivation. You get your juice and begin to head home. When you get

back you put the apple juice onto the end of the hose and spray it all over the monsters. They

die and maybe this is the end, but at least you now know to always keep apples. 

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