January 27, 2022

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The crime was not that bad, stealing a loaf of bread. Well, in this day in age a loaf of bread can be the difference between life and death. There's almost no crops left on earth, nearly half of everyone on earth is dead.

It's quiet.

In a way the silence is much better than the screams of starving people.

It was only bread. But now with such a simple act she danced towards a time when death would inevitably be her end.

They strapped her hands together and peeled her clothes off her skin that was covered with scars from beatings which was part of her punishment.

She was dressed in attire from what looked to be from long, long ago. Millenniums ago.

She was silenced, for if she spoke she would be subject to worse punishment.

But what could be worse than facing the fire of the end.

Most people on earth accepted that it was dying. The earth took care of them, but the world they thrived in was facing a dry, dry end.

After the dressing was finished she was sent away. The members of earth, at this point, did not consider time as when, they considered it to be a where. She was sent far away to a place where death plagued the earth where the screams of the dying could be heard everywhere.

This was the black death.

The first thing that she noticed as she took her first step was that the air seemed cleaner. She could breath without worrying about chemicals and pollution filling her lungs. She considered that perhaps this would not be bad and maybe she could just live here forever. She was not accustomed to their antiquated ways but she figured she watched enough movies to know what to do.

Not everyone died, she assumed.

While this was true, it was not a glorified statement. Researchers believe that about 60% of Europeans died from it.

Her first plan of action was to get as far away as possible from the disease. Growing up on a farm she had first hand knowledge of how to survive with nature.

She walked until she was deep in a forest where the only sound was her footsteps and birds.
It was time to prepare, she dug a hole primitivally, as the sun set over the trees in the sky. As it got darker she found herself finished with the shelter she constructed. With the last sliver of daytime, she composed a hearty fire with the many sticks and logs around her.

Her first night was not comfortable- at all but she still slept, waking up frequently to make sure that she was not being hunted down by forest animals.

The few nights that followed were similar.

After almost two weeks there was a base of a cottage, she was very proud of her work. Food was never a problem as she found that there were fields for planting outside the edge of the forest.

It was a better life than she had before, she had a plenitude of food to eat and there was fresh water and air.

She had one problem though that made life less fulfilling.

She was lonely.

There was not much she could do because of such a sickness spreading among people like wildfire.

Until that faithfull winter day.

She started her day like she normally would, but, as she completed her morning survival tasks. She heard an unusual walking pattern. One that mimicked her own clunky human steps.

"Holla! is anyone out h're" a females voice echoed out over the empty wood.

The time traveler's heart stopped. She realized this is what she wanted and she was very excited. But friendship came at a price near death.

But even if she chose to ignore the women in the woods, the women would find her little camp in the middle of nowhere.

She prolonged her response realizing there was no non-awkward way to respond to the women's question.

Subsequently, the women found her camp. And she offered the women a place to stay and eat, afterall the women seemed to be fine.

The women spoke up during the meal, "what's thy nameth?" she asked

The time thief looked up and responded looking back down. "I-" she thought about era names from this time "A-alice" she settled on.

The women chucked a bit before saying "Mine own names agnes, wh're doth thee cometh from alice? Thee speaketh in such tongues"

Alice thought for a moment. She couldn't say most places because she was American and America had not been discovered yet.

"Um Russia" she finally responded.

"Never been" Agnes responded

This was good because Alice had no clue what Russians sounded like in this modern day.

The weeks passed and their friendship grew a very strong bond. Agnes would help with chores and Alice would cook. They were truly better together than apart. 

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