September 13, 2021

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You're a character in a novel. For some reason, you've gained awareness of this, and since there's no way to escape, you decided to just do whatever you want. Must include (5) highlighted U5P4 words (any of the 30), italicize , and at least 400 [450 words-grade 8] words. Please state word count at top of Google Document. MINOR ESSAY (F)

 I walked scaling the sidewalks of New York City, I had lost everything. The grey sky loomed closely daring to rain.

"One step... two steps...." I counted my steps quietly to myself to keep balance. I was not afraid anymore because I realized that life was as fragile as paper so I tested the limits.

A shot in the dark rang out, it stabbed nearby pass goers ears and made their heart lope out. My world started to close but then... I started in my bed again

"Perhaps I was in a dream" I concluded lifting myself from my bed but something felt different. The sun was shining through the blinds that struggled to block it out. I hobbled into the bathroom to get ready as most do in the morning.

But the problem was that the scene continued to play out in my head. When I was lost in my own thoughts I tripped over laundry I kept sedentary on my floor and smacked my hand on the sharp corner of my dresser.

I did not notice the blood that poured from my hand until I came back to see it on the floor. As a natural reaction, I checked my hand knowing I had injured it earlier but there was no scar or mark.

Don't take me for an idiot because that is certainly what I am not. I realized something was wrong so I repeated the trial cutting my hand and ending with the same result as before.

Was I a god? A ghost perhaps? As I questioned myself and my entire past, I saw the furniture and walls materializing as paper. Had I never noticed this before, everything looked the exact same.

It hit me just then, I was the main character. Now I knew I could do whatever I wanted.

I ran downstairs and passed my mother who was concerned for my future whereabouts. I ceased and focused on her going back to cooking and like magic it happened.

"Shall I use my power for good or bad.." I questioned myself. Then it hit me, imagine all of the power I could gain. I grabbed my skateboard that was old and sketchy, imagined it was better and it happened. I was not surprised this time, just impressed.

I went down to the streets, obviously I was not going to school when I had a literal power. It started with killing rats on the street, or stealing food from corner shop owners. But my passion began to evolve to something much larger.

With time I diverted to blessing people and killing others. On the street they called me Jesus because I was so powerful.

My people began to worship me, people who didn't would be killed. I could make stars explode in the sky and send waves destroying cities. I could make galaxies and space ships.

They bowed down to me on the streets out of respect... and soon you will too... as soon as you see the paper.

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