Of course, she had sent Taylor a bunch of laughing emojis and then a follow-up message telling her she really loved her but she was going to pass out in a matter of minutes.

But then, the blonde stopped responding completely. They had been texting back and forth for the better part of Taylor's flight, but as soon as Kaia had told her she was too tired to drive out to the airport to pick her up, she hadn't received a single message in response. She had expected a fight, in fact, she would have very well made that trip if Taylor had just sent her a small "please ):". Kaia was very easily persuaded by that woman. She made her soft.

But the fact that she didn't even get a measly, little "whatever" with the emoji that was rolling its eyes worried Kaia. So, there she was, at 11:30 in the evening, sitting in the back of the car with Spencer.

The plane had already landed by the time the car rolled to a stop a few meters away. Kaia waited for the doors to open and a familiar face to walk down those beige steps, but no one came out. The doors remained open and completely unattended.

That was when Spencer stepped out of the car and opened the door for her.

"Miss Browne."

"Spence, I'm literally in my pyjamas, I'm not walking out there," she told him with a laugh. "Taylor will just have to meet us in the car."

His lips twitched with the beginning hints of a smile and Kaia's eyes narrowed. Since when did Spencer break character?

"Miss Swift's staying on the jet and has requested you join her," he told her, going back to his usual serious demeanour.

"What? Spence, what is going on, mate?" She chuckled, staring out at the massive aeroplane in confusion.

"Trust me, you're going to enjoy this," he told her, opening the door further to let her step out of the vehicle.

Kaia started walking toward the plane, taking the stairs one at a time, wondering why on earth Taylor would want her on the jet. At 11:00 in the evening!

There wasn't anything different with the interior of the plane, but then again she didn't think Taylor would have made this whole mysterious scene just to show her some new seats or something.

"Hello, Miss Browne," the flight attendant, Reyna, greeted her with her usual, bright smile.

"Buenas tardes, Reyna, cómo te va?" She asked, switching to Spanish knowing the woman was Chilean. [Good evening, Tima, how's it going?]

"Very good, thank you. And you?" She responded in Spanish.

Kaia simply shrugged because she honestly had no idea what to expect.

She found Taylor sitting in the very back, her legs spread out in front of her comfortably. She was smiling so casually that it made Kaia even more suspicious.

"Hi...?" she said, but it came out more like a question. 

"Hey, gorgeous," Taylor replied with a little chuckle, her eyes dancing in amusement as she took in her outfit.

Kaia glared at her, sitting down tentatively in the seat opposite hers. "Don't mock. I was already in bed when you told me to come here. What's going on?"

"We're going on a trip," Taylor replied simply.

"Are we?" Kaia chuckled. "I have work tomorrow."

"No, you don't," Taylor told her, her smile widening.

Kaia narrowed her eyes some more. "I do. I have a very important scene to film. And besides, I don't even have any clothes, or my wallet, or—"

"I took care of everything," she reassured her.

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