"You got it!" Jaden said as he turned and moved into the crowd.

"Are you ready?" Espa asked as he pulled his deck from his belt and put it in his duel disk.

"Sure, but tell your little brothers to come down, before we start the duel." Luna said loud enough for everyone around them to hear.

Espa's expressions went from confusion to panic to anger, all in just a span of two seconds.

"What are you talking about, are you crazy?" He asked.

"For a mind reader, you seem pretty slow." Luna said as she turned around and started looking at the top of the buildings that could potentially have a line of sight to her cards if they dueled.


She spotted three little green spots on top of one of the buildings and a lens glare, probably from a binoculars they may be using.

She quickly pointed towards them.

"My cosmic powers are telling me that your four brothers are up on that building. And that they are talking to you through an earpiece you have." She accused loudly once again. "Tell them to come down, and I'll duel you."

The crowd started getting noisier as they talked amongst themselves. Espa looked around, flustered.

"Stop making excuses to not duel me!" Espa yelled, seemingly trying to regain control of the situation.

"Then move back that thick mop of a hair and show us you don't have any communication device in your ear." Luna said calmly as she crossed her arms.

Espa's eyes started to dart around, she almost felt bad for him.

"Come on, man. Duel me fair and square." She said, offering him a consoling smile.

"Is he really cheating?" someone asked audibly loud from the crowd.

Espa's face contorted from his anger, he looked to be fuming. Luna hadn't realized that Espa could be so intense and wondered if this was a good idea.

He slowly moved the hair back from one ear to show that there was no earpiece. Then he slowly moved the other, while cupping his hand, obviously taking something out that was there, to show both ears clean and devoid of any devices.

"Happy?" He asked through his teeth. "Let's duel!"

"Let's." She agreed as she put her Red-Eyes deck into her duel disk. "Keep that Jinzo card ready to be handed to me, kid."

The number 4000 appeared on the life counter of the duel disk that shuffled each duelist's deck automatically as both duel disks beeped to signal synchronization. She drew four cards.

Neos Fusion, Red-Eyes Insight, Red-Eyes Spirit, and Red-Eyes Retro Dragon.

It was an okay hand as starting hands went.

"I'll start!" Espa Roba yelled as he adjusted the cards in his hand. She had forgotten that whoever called out first went first. "I summon Cyber Raider!"

The humanoid in blue and yellow tights appeared on the field, surprising Luna. Back in Battle City, in the anime, the duel disks had shot out little hologram emitters in the anime. It seemed things were different here. She wondered if Kaiba Corp had set up towers that emitted the holograms around the city or if it was some advanced tech that used satellites.

"And I put a card face down!" Espa continued confidently. "I predict that you will lose soon! It's your turn!"

Cyber Raider was a relatively weak monster with only 1400 attack points. The set card was a little worrisome, but Luna couldn't remember Espa ever using any trap cards.

My Time in Battle City [Tales of Luna, Book 1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon