Thought It Was a Kidnapping, Did You?

Depuis le début

Eric shrugged, blasé as ever. “I am completely serious,” he replied cooly, suddenly seeming disinterested. “learning control will enable you to defend yourself when there are not others around to protect you. Adrian will also be able to afford you better protection from our family as well.”

They aren’t the fucking Mafia, dumbass. “I don’t need his help to learn anything...” I grumbled, crossing my arms. What part of no didn’t they understand? Why did I have to learn anything about it anyway? I’d been fine up until now.

“Oh, I beg to differ!” Adrian scoffed. “Who was it who was just bitching about not understanding the books their uncle gave them?!”

That bastard! How dare he! “I was not bitching!” I protested angrily, poking him in the chest. “I never said anything about having trouble with those books. You were the one who interrupted my reading, so if I was having any trouble, it’s your fault!”

“Girls, girls!” Eric interrupted us before we could get started. “Calm down! Kathryne, go back to your room before you blow a gasket and the house along with it.” He snapped, instantly grabbing my attention.

“Who’re you calling a girl?!” Adrian and I shrieked at him, at the same time funnily enough.

“He started it!”

“She’s stubborn as hell!”

Both of you knock it off!” My aunt finally screamed, shutting us both up. “Kathryne. Room. Now. Before I send you myself.”

I pouted, complying reluctantly as I trudged out of the room and back to my own. “Fine...” I huffed, slamming the door behind me.

“Don’t you slam that door young lady! You get back here and show me that you know how to close it properly!” She yelled.

“You have got to be kidding me...” I grumbled under my breath, stomping back to the door. Reopening it, I slowly closed it, and then ran back to my room. I’d had enough people interaction for one day.

Once I’d gotten back to my room, I closed and locked the door behind me. No doubt somebody was going to try to come after me, and I didn’t want to deal with anyone just then.

Flopping down on my bed, I buried my head in my pillows. I could already feel a headache coming on. For once, it had nothing to do with my magical prowess or random eruptions of blood bursting from my nose like a volcano. Rubbing my temples, I closed my eyes. Maybe a nap would make me feel better?

It started as a slight warming sensation pooling between the empty space of my thighs, where no muscle I knew of should exist. I hadn’t been napping very long before I noticed it, and then I had no idea where it was coming from. I shifted, squeezing my legs together to try to get rid of the awkward sensation.

When that attempt failed to stop it, I sat up. Sitting on my calves, I glanced around the room to make sure no-one was around. “What in the world?” I found myself asking aloud, confusion marring my features.

I wasn’t sure what to think of the slowly growing ball of tightness building where there was nothing. The only feeling I could possibly compare it to was when Adrian had bitten me in the kitchen a few days ago, only lacking in pleasurableness.

Deciding that I was probably just imagining things, I hopped out of bed, unlocked and opened my door, and went to the dining room where the cats were hanging out with the Newfoundland. They were curled up by his stomach, sleeping.

I smiled. “Aw, how cute!” I squealed, crouching down to pet them while trying to ignore the feeling of invisible muscles tensing amid my thighs. It wasn’t too bad if I didn’t focus on it.

Behind me, Hadyn chuckled, causing Shibaughn to freak out and run from the room, yowling. “I hear you’re leaving soon,” he said, smiling at me.

I grimaced. “It’s lies I say! All lies!” I replied hotly, feeling a blush creep up my face. What the hell? I stood back up; Briar had left to follow his friend, so I no longer had a reason to be low on my feet.

He rolled his eyes. “Of course,” he laughed again.

Why did I get the feeling that he didn’t believe me? Disregarding what felt like cramping just below my waist, I shot him a nasty glare. “Shut up! I am not going anywhere with Adri- aaaaaaaaaah!”  The cry left my lips before I could finish my sentence. Whatever had been building into a heated ball had become unbearably tense, just before bursting. Fierce shivers wracked my body and stars clouded my vision before my legs first went weak, then numb, refusing to support me anymore.

I toppled to the floor, twitching in pleasure. I hadn’t the slightest idea what was going on, but damn, I felt good. Oh, I knew what had happened- I wasn’t that stupid. I just had no clue how or why it had.

“Well, that was entirely unexpected,” Hadyn observed, sounding awfully embarrassed.

Oh crap! I tried gathering my now scatterbrained thoughts, but a wave of sleepiness overtook me, making it difficult to think. “Ya think?” I questioned sarcastically, absolutely mortified.

The sound of feet thudding down steps caught my attention. Familiar black hair rushed towards me and I soon found myself staring into a pair of mischievous   blue eyes. “Kathryne, are you all right?” Adrian asked, lifting me off the hardwood floor. “I heard a crash.”

My eyes narrowed. “You did something!” I accused halfheartedly. It was becoming very difficult to think; I was so tired all of a sudden.

His lips thinned out into an impish smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he stated simply, walking off with me to God-knows-where. “Ignotius! We’re leaving!” He called, cradling me to his chest.

What? Oh hell no!  “Adrian, don’t you dare!” I warned him weakly, finding it difficult to gain any volume.

“Don’t listen to her,” Hadyn piped up, faint traces of a blush coating his pale cheeks. “I’m sure her dearest relatives could use the...alone time.”

Adrian snickered. “Ashira’s not going to let Eric do anything like that, Thane. She’d kill him.”

Was I being left out of the conversation again? “What are you two talking about?” I demanded, too exhausted to make sense of things.

“Nothing you need to worry about yet, love,” Adrian replied, “just go to sleep.”

Not when he was taking me some place weird! “No,” I grunted, feebly pushing at his chest.

Sighing softly, he gently placed his hand over my heart and pressed down lightly. “Dormi.” He murmured, locking eyes with mine.

I felt my heartbeat slow, and my muscles relax, like I was preparing to go to sleep. “Dammit Adrian! What did you do to me?!”

Smiling, he placed a kiss on my forehead. “Your heart is mine, Kathryne. It will do as I command it too if the need is strong enough.” He answered.

Unable to keep my eyes open any longer, the lids fluttered shut. When they did, I came to a startled, but sleepy revelation for what Adrian had done earlier while I fell over in the dining room...

Dear God! I now know what it feels like to have a penis...


Author's Note:

Finally done. For those of you wondering, The Poofy Pumpkin Princess is Mr. Snookums. A.K.A., the one guy reading this knows who he is.

Also, forgot to mention because some of you might not look it up. Dormi is the latin imperitive form for "Go to sleep" a.k.a., a command.

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