2 • 110 • 122

Start from the beginning

There lies a woman with her own honor who seeks to be remembered, who seeks to be one of the best. 

But as much as she desired to be remembered by all people in the tower, known for her strength and intelligence, the said ruthless girl was never actually ruthless.

Rather, in order to protect those who supported her, she was forced to be ruthless and villainous.

And if I knew what kind of ending I will bring to her...





"Brother... what does this mean?"

Charlotte looked at Altaira. Her eyes wanted to hear answers and explanations from her trusted brother who kept the fact that he actually had a hidden sister.

"I'm hurt, Altaira," Anan spoke with a calm tone. "You actually hid my existence from your younger sister? Am I really such a terrifying demon in your eyes and heart?"

Altaira clenched his fists further. Anan observed her opponents' movements and gestures, every single action could not escape from her sharp eyes like an eagle as she assumed her opponent's emotions and strategize her plan. 

'How dangerous,' Charlotte thought about her brother's sister in the tower.

"... Charlotte, this fight is mine," Altaira said to her. His blue eyes were still looking at Khun Anan Rain and he looked worried and solemn this time. "You have to step aside and let me finish this."


"She's indeed my older sister. The older sister who have always raised me, protected me, taught me and later on became the biggest regret that in my life," Altaira explained to Charlotte.

Anan just looked at Altaira. With her poker face, it was hard to tell what she was thinking. Not even Altaira was confident that he could read her mind, despite she being his older brother in his second lifetime. She could be planning to spare him, toy him, or dispose him.

"Anan... I'm here to solve things between the two of us," said Altaira solemnly. An electrical spear appeared on his right hand as he walked towards Anan. He stopped, maintaining his distance with his big sister and then pointed his electrical spear towards Anan, "Let's solve it quickly."

"Are you sure that this is what you want?"

Charlotte thought that Anan felt disappointed. After all, anyone would be sad and disappointed if her younger brother who she cared and protected for hundred of years suddenly become her enemy. And she could understand her brother's reason wanting to solve the grudge between the two of them and kill Anan. Anan was his sworn enemy and in order to move forward, she must die.

"... Now that you appear as my sworn enemy," said Altaira. "I have to get rid of you, before you hurt my comrades."

Charlotte thought that she was disappointed. So when she heard Anan's next words, she was quite surprised.

Anan actually smiled after hearing Altaira's words.

"So it seems like after my death, you've found some nice comrades to climb the tower. Very well, since you are more than ready to fight against me..."

She also created an electrical spear to fight against Altaira.

"I would also not hesitate."

Looking at Altaira who she knew was feeling more and more tense, she spoke few more words,

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now